We have 40,000 new clients each month if you joined and didnt work, youre not one of the people who make money with us! I asked for a job description. If you join Primerica your commission schedule is ridiculously LOW. I asked her who referred me and she said they interview 30 to 40 people a week and that my name was on a list. We talk for a second longer, she makes a point of showing me her expensive car and vanity plates (I realize now how often she was trying to make displays of wealth from the moment I met her). From that, I just wonder why he wants my wife to get involved on this.. Lol! My typing speed is about 60 wpm. ..so i asked her if its such a legit company why do I have to pay for my background check and why is there so much secrecy and then sign of primerica is most outside. The company is not a scam. Shame. And he also lied and said that the manager at the store that night was meeting up with him also but come to find out she doesnt even know him let alone talked with him about the business he trying to recruit us for. But you can throw away a full barrel of apples because a few are rotten. I therefore come to this upcoming information event with a favorable impression of the companys products. I am sick thinking that I signed something that I didnt read, gave her my social security and address. Take up as much of their time as possible, keep them on a string. Probably would not have been any money in the retirement funds when people went to cash out. The guy on the phone was super nice and seemed waaaaay too eager for me to come in, especially since I told him up front that I had no financing background. He said either way hed be expecting me tomorrow at 3:30pm. I dont mind. Im no longer-second guessing my decision to stay far away from this group. I listened to all the BS coming out of everyones mouth. There are two levels of people in the business, not infinite levels. Many thanks to this website and all those who have contributed toward it. So a woman called kim called and set up an interview with me in a city nearby. No, its not defamation. PLEASE DONT GO. A person with certain negatives in their background cannot work in the industry. The only way to collect on a life insurance policy is to live to be 100 years old, providing your policy goes out that far. Asked for my phone number, stating that while he didnt know my situation, he would be interested in offering me a job. She asked a few questions about my past work experience as well. We set up the interview within a week and Ive never had someone more eager and desperate to hire me. Its an exhausting way to make a living. (i.e. Long story short he told us it was a company about life insurance and that wed help families bla bla bla. RUN from anything to do with them. No, better not, or John would be angry that I said something wrong. Another flyer announces two meetings. She asked me the most useless questions ever, such as, How do you want to be treated if you work here? She was also unable to give me specific details about the position I was interviewing for. I wasnt about to put my plans aside for something as ambiguous as that, and seeing other people talk about their experiences, Im glad I didnt. After a day, Curtis called me for the second interview. Gather the information and make up your own minds. I have another so called meeting tonight with him. Joe get Sally a $800 annual premium, (depending on your team members rank)(entries are REPs 25%) Joe will earn 25% of 800 =200(ONLY ONE TIME,THIS ONE TIME), (PYRAMID TIME) the remaining flows up the tunnel 75% (depending my rank) REP 25%, $200. I told him I work 3rd shift and that I can try. I will not be going Monday. In legal terms, the answer is no. When something seems to good to be true, i have high doubts of it. He replied well how can i make you feel more comfortable about this opportunity? I said i would have to talk to my parents after all this was over to see what they think because all this seems weird. Im guessing he was catching on that i was too smart to be manipulated by all the financial opportunities. He then wanted to make be more comfortable by CALLING MY PARENTS and setting up a home visit to talk to them about all this. (Of course, I would also counsel any folks I recruited to the effect that starting with Primerica part-time is the route to avoid disappointment.). Destroyed my friendships with this job. We had a small conversation and she claimed she liked my personality and gave me her card. I usually check into these things before setting up appointment or returning calls. In addition they needed close contacts, many may know as the warm market. There was literally no way of knowing. When called at home, I got a vague assurance that I would be a good fit. At first I was questioning that, arent you supposed to use a business card? Im so glad I found this site. At least this way, I can practice negotiating for a higher pay level, and interviewing in general. I read many reviews like this before I started and while I was active. He handed me a flyer that said Primerica was waiving licensing and application fees for active duty and veterans in November 2018, but I cant find anything on it on the Primerica website. I didnt understand how he could deliberately break a rule like that. Thanks for the post. That is a big reason why this company has so much negative publicity online (even on its Wikipedia page!). He called at 3:22 left a voicemail asking if I was having trouble finding the office. At this point, things seemed a bit odd. The meeting starts after like 30 minutes past I still dont understand what I would be doing so I start asking questions about the company and I was told the company name is Prime America and how there is no website but that the company is one of the biggest companies in the world. The first presenter is very good. I still plan on going to the interview, knowing full well that it is a scam. Cons. These MLM ventures seem to prey on the 9-5-ers making minimum wage with the promise of making a six-figure income. Baffled, I shook my head. We both waited for the process to start the woman came back in and once again introduced herself and briefly gave a biographical history of her beliefs and work with the poor. For sure I am not going. He said that josh said a ton of great things about me and he wanted to interview me for a position. Their company relies on always havinga bottom layer of sales people, they move up by getting lower level people constantly to do all the work. Fredericton, New Brunswick in Canada. Ive written about Primerica in the past, questioning whether Primerica is a pyramid scheme, and whether PFS is a scam. It would be too painful to add up all the hours, dollars, and gas I had so far invested into this business. Notice how the representative not only deceived the job seekers. After I finished that, David came in and started his pitch. He said he wasnt interested and she stopped him by saying that she wouldnt take no for an answer and proceed to schedule to come over to explain the details of her opportunity, we exchanged numbers and walked away since my husband was annoyed with the lady already, we bolted from the store and went home to google the name that i had seen on her sweater and we came across this post, after reading all of the comments my husband txt the lady to tell her that he was not interested in what she was offering and she responded with like three emails back to back insisting that she come over with her husband to explain to us what they do, since she was so vague at the store. I thought I had a job interview today where the man switched to trying to get me to be a Primerica rep. It was the first time I smelled something fishy. MLM or a Pyramid scheme.Primerica is a Pure Business opportunity, the . Here we go another scam, let me play along The gentleman got on the phone, I think his name was John, again muffled but I really didnt care what his name was, this wasnt going to last very long. I had heard him talk many times about the cars and houses that the top leaders in the company owned, and had asked him when he was going to get the viper posted on his wall. B . Ex boss explains that he also wants me to set that up as an employee benefit. The average individual earnings of their representatives is $5,156 per year. Thanks for the heads up! Is that where you have a head honcho at the top and workers at the bottom, like, I dont know, Walmart? A lot of people like in this blog are used to trading their time for money, going from one job to another. I was not familiar with, Pink Truth, a website I run about Mary Kay Cosmetics and other multi-level marketing companies, http://www.thisamericanlife.org/radio-archives/episode/543/wake-up-now, http://www.cisro-ocra.com/publications/LLQP%20Provider%20Results%20(Jan-Dec%202014)%20EN.pdf, Why Do People Join MLMs? When I told my boyfriend about it, who is currently taking a bunch of business, marketing and economic courses (Im a FILM MAJOR so the fact that they wanted me at all should have tipped me off), he said it definitely sounded like a pyramid scam and to look it up. Im currently in the process of getting out of my tiered J-O-B and starting my own tiers separate and independent of my current J-O-B. *In Canada, trademark(s) of the International Association of Better Business Bureaus, used under License. Hes spending more time getting me to do all this than he did explaining the actual job.. Other insurance companies do the same thing but Primerica is ruthless. I was wearing a ring on my fourth finger (its the only finger it fits) and she asked if my husband had a job, so I went along with it and said yes. A few of my friends got roped into this. No way was a guy with $20,000 in debt able to cough up even $500,000 after 3 years if their figures were correct. Im not looking for part time work. The scheme is called a "pyramid" because at each level, the number of investors increases. They provide 45 - 55% of the first year premium. Not going to the interview tomorrow. OMG thanks for this website!!!!!!!!! Before you try to pick apart or look for excuses not to be a recruit, maybe you just dont believe it can work or its you you dont believe in. He asked for a check saying theyll cash it when I give the green light to go ahead. I am, so I said yes. The call was so unclear and left me with wanting more information. I got a call and they scheduled an interview for today without letting me know for what position they are hiring. File a complaint about an investment or an investment account with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). Primerica is a leading financial services provider that has been in business for over 40 years, is publicly traded on the New York Stock Exchange under the stock symbol "PRI", and is rated A+ by the Better Business Bureau iii. This business is in an industry that may require professional licensing, bonding or registration. Yes, there can be commission only jobs. It is a pyramid scheme in which 99% lose money. Go get a real job and stop preying on innocent people trying to get ahead in life. With all of you. And he was on his phone during the interview and it just all seemed so fake and phony. Wheres the money? I am not against commission based jobs and making money. They tried to get me to come to a meeting next Monday with the VP, but with my work schedule and doctors appointments for my two disabled children, that wasnt in the cards, so they tried to get me to show early for work tonight and I again said no, so they set up a meeting at 1:30 am tonight after I finish work. By the way, based on those 2.28 policies you sell all year, your commission will be maybe $300-$500, less all your expenses. Financial investments 6. The woman who contacted me on Facebook messenger, just asked if I had a financial advisor, and I said yes. The money received from the new recruits is used to pay off the . I said Ill give you 10 mints & w/big smile he say thank you & went back to the rm. Our Primerica life insurance review comprehensively analyzes the company's products, rates, potential drawbacks, and more. Needless to say I found this thread and wont be putting anymore thought or effort into it. I listened to the representatives pitch and decided to do the research like many of you on here. Dont fall for it. I have a job, but looking for a change, I feel bad for people who are out of work and are honestly looking for a job! And where, exactly, are you going to file that complaint? Yes, Orlando, pyramids are illegal and MLMs have very carefully crafted their companies to APPEAR not to be pyramids. I will not be going and now I dont think Ill give them any more of my time by giving them notification either. He asked us over 50 questions, where do you want to move? The agent kept calling me for a congratulatory luncheon at a local Chinese buffet. I worked HARD at the business, I have had success in other businesses in my life but making money at Primerica is a joke. Im not saying Primerica doesnt sell legitimate insurance and investment products. I do work very very hard. I agreed to meet with her the next day at 6 pm (again another red flag). Pyramid schemes are illegal businesses. I ask because Primerica agents and Real Estate agents/brokers are both commission based but people have no problem with being a real estate agent right nor do they have any issues with purchasing homes that will most likely put them in HUGE debt. I am grateful for the posts by so many and I am glad I cancelled. I received a phone call yesterday and on my mobile phone, which despite the fact that I am looking for a job, I only mention in cover letters or to recruiters who approach me on my landline. I received a call from a woman named Mary stating that someone referred me to her and asked if I was still looking for a job. Presumably because the recruiting pool is getting less and less educated. The guy who stated the *69 comment, yes that does call back the last call, so why tell someone that you are blocking a call and why are you calling back a number that you already talked too?!?!? She also had sold Avon at one time too. Tracy, I would be interested to hear any counsel you have for me, as I am planning to attend a Primerica information event for potential sales staffers 48 hours from now, BUT my circumstances differ from those of most posters above. In fact, given his air of desperation in hard-booking like that, the evidence appeared to point to the contrary. This other guy was pleasant enough, introduced himself and politely shook my hand. You all invite me here to interrogate me about more people just to get mad and be rude to me. Most of the money on the financial products you sell will go to YOU, rather than some pyramid. He invited me to go to an event of some kind, and I agreed. So how did my interview go? I have been with Primerica for almost a year. That you have to buy your own business cards even? We were to ask them for a penny (hoping it would be a new penny because those are weaker/thinner than the old ones), and with the new penny we were to use the best cutting scissors ever to cut easily into the penny. I then sat through the presentation which also seemed legit because the two presenters just seemed so down to earth and passionate about helping the common man (except the guy who kept bragging about his house and cars). I was very interested in that. You need to have a 1) calculator and 2) common sense to realize only the top percentile will make any livable income, in your head you think youre going to get enough sales to make six figures youre not. I though I was going on a great interview in my early twenties when I strolled into Prime America! The fact that she had to describe it as a business opportunity, and not a job already set off alarm bells, as such language is common in many scams, but I went to the interview to see what it was all about. I too have an interview scheduled for tomorrow. And my husband just hired a newly licensed recruit to help him get his new business started but has negotiated a portion of that agents earnings as compensation for helping him get himself established AND this new agent will also be splitting his fees with the broker. I realized, for the tenth time that night, that this guy was an asshole, and that was most likely what had halted his progress in his business. I nodded my head in agreement and the interview was over within seconds. Everything Ive written here is true so please dont waste your time on these people. it takes 1 minute to call or text. He set me up with an interview with the lead, and when I went in, it was really no interview at all. The problem is that he had been doing this for so long, he has no other value in the marketplace. He didnt even walk me to the door, shake hands with me, give me a business cardnothing! Made $100 in a single month. Thanks everyone for your stories. Was this review helpful? Its entrepreneurial in nature and that needs to be discussed and made clear. And again, its only gross revenue and doesnt include the costs of doin business theyre all responsible for out of pocket! Im looking for a job, and someone who lives near me tried to recruit me to this. It is a recruitment scheme. In order to be on the NYSE, you have to be vetted. I have an appointment on Monday. No, Primerica does not offer services that justify a higher price. I feel so bad and my heart bleeds how mich i lied to the community and friends and sold them something they dont stand for . Our conversation goes all over the place like before. I thought oh boy! This series focuses on good old road trips. Got approached at a random target by a lady commenting on what I was wearing not a job. Woooowww approached at Wal-Mart totally seemed fishey he took my number no name or business card not looking forward to this call at all how rude to take advantage of people and trick them into better job opportunities Im surprised his pick up line was to Google this company ha cause this is what I found!!! Lesson learned. If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is. very dumb. No, a regular job is not like MLM. On have other hand, it works and i do get to help people out of debt and stay out of debt. The graph had 1 gent at the top and every subsequent tier had exponentially increasing members making exponentially less money. As I walked away, I thought it was really weird and random that this woman would just walk up to me in the middle of a Target and offer me a job. Its a good thing Im not stupid and always look up companies before I contact them. When he came back in the office, he explained that there just happened to be a presentation that night that hed like for me to come to. I told them that i was skeptical and would want to research before committing to any policy or any opportunity. When considering complaint information, please take into account the company's size and volume of transactions, and understand that the nature of complaints and a firm's responses to them are often more important than the number of complaints. When I started asking for e-mails and more information about the company. Once he started pitching me it was all very clear why. Basically, i refer 3 people and make $700. First off anyone can make a PowerPoint and the video was from fricking YouTube. This is more of my experiences and not really bashing Primerica. I read the story that was provided above and a handful of the comments. They contacted me, offered to meet me to just talk, and sat me down at a coffee shop (they wanted my husband to come to but he wasnt interested). but after reading this I wont be going. Time and again, we see these lies and unethical tactics used to lure people into Primerica. He contacted me about a week ago about a possible part time job opportunity working for him in a company that he said earns him more money than his full time job at the funeral home. Im not joking whatsoever. My only piece of advise. Contrary to rumors out there, Primerica is not a pyramid scheme. after hearing these non descriptive answers at this point Im like yea, ok very high chance I will not be showing up. I hope she doesnt see this thread because she will get defensive about this company. For the person who did have a comment pro Primerica, I am adding this link: https://www.bbb.org/us/ga/duluth/profile/financial-services/primerica-inc-0443-6985/complaints. Take time to get out of dodge. Oh my bad I guess money is a scam to you as well. needless to say I got undressed put on my gym clothes and went to the gym . I have better things to do than waste my time being pitched for a scam that takes advantage of people who dont know better. They want to interview me tomorrow at 1pm. As soon as I saw Primerica I KNEW it was a scam. Thanks for this post. Top investment analyst recommend company in books, on the radio programs, and on TV programs. He then tried to get my bank account info right after and I just barely made it out of that. I got up to follow the man into Johns office but he closed the door. The evening eventually came to an end, and I watched John as he scored 2 new recruits. (TWO not even 50 years old yet!) Thanks guys for ur time to let ppl know who primerica is. I PAY MY OWN TAXES. I blew it all off the moment I was dismissed. I was at one of their interviews just a couple hours ago. The man called the following day (just as he had said he would do). I was being complimented on how I dress, my smile and my energy,( Im a naturally energetic person) they make you feel safe and secure while your there , but right away I was put off when they wanted my bank info. What professional business calls on a weekend? As a matter of policy, BBB does not endorse any product, service or business. Suddenly a laminated informational booklet comes out for PRIMERICA. Investment Adviser Firm Visit SEC Site. I do wonder if some above posters simply arent aware of either the licensure fees part of several industries and/or of the time and effort required to build a client base in any commissioned sales position? Anger gave way to fear.. what if I interviewed him and messed it up and he stormed out of here angry and calling it a scam? I said I was and she offered me an interview. I was looking for a receptionist or something. I am really glad I did my home work on this company and thank you to every one for the honest postings I will not be wasting my time with scams. Tracy did you use to do Primerica and was unsuccessful because you seem very angry with the company? Im generally really polite and dont want to hurt feelings, and I knew that my current work may expire in December, so I figured Id hear him out and then should I need work in December, maybe Ill give him/them a call. I did not quite have the similar negative experience as many posted, but mine was similar. Any money i earn, or is traveled up to me, is tax free, so that means. Why would this kid go into a financial holdings company, with a leather-bound notebook? 2023, International Association of Better Business Bureaus, Inc., separately incorporated Better Business Bureau organizations in the US, Canada and Mexico and BBB Institute for Marketplace Trust, Inc. All rights reserved. MLM is: He sat next to me while the guy gave a speech on how much money people were making and talking bad about my job. He said no and proceed setting an appointment for me. Well, all insurance agencies and brokerages have the pyramid payment style. Again, we talk a long time. This is a multi-location business. I mean, my pitch would have been an honest one. And being within the top 10% at least of the company," according to reporting by Business Insider. She told me that someone referred me and thought very highly of me. Yes There are 76 helpful reviews 76 No There are 37 unhelpful reviews 37. I went there with an opened mind. Stopped at a job fair. I was definitely lied to when I first was contacted by the woman. In essence, 95% of their force starves while making the top 5% rich. I can see her answering it even in the middle of the night to talk me out of cancelling. The small group of initial promotors at the top . She wants me to go but ive been down the MLM road before and after a couple months I knew it wasnt real. I can feel itll just be a waist of my time and I would rather work for a company with a good reputation.