You should abbreviate both as Smith J. The terms op cit andidemshould not be used. Use [ ] if the dateofpublication is needed to find the article eg. So, the Children Act 1989 becomes CA 1989 (not just CA). List alphabetically in author order in secondary sources, giving the authors surname first. Also consider elements of the style advice for websites and blogs (section 3.4.8). For two or three authors, all named authors must be included. Authors are invited to make submissions in any language, though consideration of them is subject to the Editorial Boards ability to locate an appropriate peer-reviewer in the subject language. Laurence Diver and Burkhard Schafer, Opening the Black Box: Petri Nets and Privacy by Design, International Review of Law, Computers and Technology(forthcoming). 26 Knowles (n 3) 120.. for more details. If a footnote references more than one work by the same author or authors, or refers to a prior footnote containing more than one work, please cite the surname(s) of the author(s), a shortened title of the work being cited, and the footnote where it first appears, e.g. hbbd```b`` iX$&``j0L.GI Hc~ 6j / This will be the case for virtually all articles found in Westlaw, Lexis and Hein Online. Note that OSCOLA recommends abbreviating Oxford University Press to OUP; this is not the case with other publishers. Even if youre still at school, learning how to reference now means you wont get caught out at university. Explanatory Notes to the Charities Act 2006, para 15. Subsequent citations may use the abbreviated form. See3.4.6 OSCOLA 4th ed. Please see the 4th edition of OSCOLA for comprehensive details on how to cite other secondary sources such as: We hope youve found our complete guide to OSCOLA referencing useful. Subsequent citations use only the surname, The full title of the article within double quotation marks () and capitalisation of all primary words, The year of publication in round brackets (unless there is no volume number), The volume number in Arabic numerals followed by the issue number in brackets (see examples below), The full name of the journal (in italics), The first and last page of the article (without pp.), If a more specific page reference is being given, the page number(s) (including p. or pp.). For example, in the following citation, the first number refers to the page on which the report begins, while the second number pinpoints the passage youre referring to: Where available, paragraph numbers should be used instead of page numbers. If you have questions about reference formats, please contact us with your query using the Query form on the guide, or email us at [email protected]. Lecturer, School of Law, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, Scotland, [email protected]). Based on Referee Reports and his or her own assessment, the Managing Editor will make a recommendation on disposition to the Editorial Board, which has final responsibility for each decision on each submission. For articles with four or more authors, use the first name and surname of the first author followed by et al. which is not italicised (e.g. Cases are written in a similar format here and in the main text; the only difference is the names of the parties involved are not italicised in the table of cases: The table of legislation includes all legal sources used other than cases for example, bills, Acts of Parliament and SIs. OSCOLA was first devised in 2000 by Regius Professor Peter Birks, with the aim of reducing the "woeful waste of scholarly time caused by the absence of a national standard for citation . For example: You do not need to footnote an Act if you make it identifiable in the text. Use a short version of the title if the full title is longer than three words. For example. OR use s for Section in the middle of a sentence. World Health Organization, World Intellectual Property Organization) and when quoting text that uses the American spelling. For a comprehensive list of legal abbreviations, use the Cardiff index. 666 0 obj <>stream accessed 17 November 2014. T2p210g0r`>Pj%mei P *VBQ@\37U0wt0TtVtw4dw4"v0;*:Hp,PZ=Hs1~13pa` 1``R @A I^x(3p)CT1r u0Yy accessed 17 November 2014. When citing explanatory notes to statutes, precede the name of the statue with Explanatory notes to the. author, | title | [year] OR (year) | volume/issue | journal name or abbreviation | | date accessed. Acronyms and short titles should only be used after the full title has appeared once in the text (e.g. This rule applies for all conjunctions (including IP, IT, ICT, etc). See the example in the Subsequent citation of a case box below. It also indicates that a report of the judgement can be found in volume 1 of the series of the Law Reports called the Appeal Cases, beginning at page 884. In the bibliography, list Command Papers alphabetically by author in Secondary Sources. hbbd``b`ADk$,A"z g $qYq# A Quick Guide to OSCOLA Referencing | Rules & Examples. 'Serving Magistrates by HMCTS Region, England and Wales, 31 March 2013, Diversity statistics and general overview 2013: (The Judicial Office 2013). Institutions and inflows of foreign direct investment: a fuzzy-set analysis. You should cite working papers the same way as electronic journal articles. Jane Croft, Supreme Court Warns on Quality Financial Times (London, 1 July 2010) 3. Scratan P and Chadwick K, 'Critical research', Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2015/1992 establishing the standard import values for determining the entry price of certain fruit and vegetables [2015] OJ L 290/12, HC Deb 3 February 1977, vol 389, cols 97376 40, Interview with Irene Kull, Assistant Dean, Faculty of Law, Tartu University (Tartu, Estonia, 4 August 2003), Letter from Gordon Brown to Lady Ashton (20 November 2009). In the footnote, the authors name should be provided exactly as it appears in the publication, omitting postnominals such as QC: (Note: sometimes only first name initials are provided on the publication so your footnote will reflect this e.g. When referencing a source that is online other than a journal or book, cite the name of the author (or institution), followed by the title of the webpage. Authors will be sent anonymised copies of Referee comments. Traditional multispectral detectors usually consist of multiple monochromatic detectors or use filters to achieve specific wavelength detection. author, | title | [year] | journal name or abbreviation | first page of article,| specific page referred to, author, | title | (year) | volume | journal name or abbreviation | first page of article. Then give the title of the article within single quotation marks, and the publication information as follows: year of publication (in square brackets if it identifies the volume, in round brackets if there is a separate volume number). followed by their initials, page numbers are not included and there is no full stop at the end of the reference. When citing newspaper articles, give the author, the title, the name of the newspaper in italics and then in brackets the city of publication and the date. (OSCOLA) is designed to help the author to achieve consistency and to make life easier for the reader . Hansard is the official transcript of parliamentary debates in the UK. For subsequent citation of statutes or regulations (including EU legislation), please cite the shortened name (if commonly used), and relevant section or article, e.g. 1. Journal article Law / Act Newspaper article . 35-36. Follow this by the phrase available at, followed by the URL, which should be hyperlinked. OSCOLA is a footnote referencing style. In it, you assign each citation a footnote that duplicates the reference at the end of the paper almost precisely, with some exceptions such as using a specific page number. You must insert an 'and' before the last author's name. When you cite a statutory instrument, give the name, year and (after a comma) the SI number. Statutory instruments (orders, regulations or rules) are numbered consecutively throughout the year. For example, Johnston v Ireland (1986) Series A no 122. When a source has 2 authors, list the last name of the first author's name in your Works Cited entry, followed by a comma. Citations of statutes should not be italicised. A pinpoint is a precise reference to the part of a judgment or report through numbered paragraphs or page numbers. In footnotes write the first author's name followed by "and others". A downloadable version of this OSCOLA style guide, with some extra details, Details for citing international law sources. Use Initials or forename unpunctuated and with no spaces followed by surname. If youre citing a case before 1865, it doesnt require the court. If submissions are made in a language other than English, the Title and Abstract (not exceeding 250 words) must also be submitted in English. Running numbers for House of Commons Bills are put in square brackets; those for House of Lords Bills are not. Ensure that all punctuation is within the quotes (e.g. House of Commons bills are cited slightly differently from House of Lords bills. OSCOLA Journal Referencing Generator. %%EOF If there is no clear author, give the organisation providing the source as the author. Secondary sources explain, analyse, critique and discuss the law. 1. SCRIPTed uses the Oxford comma, e.g. An example of a typical case citation with a neutral citation is: Corr v IBC Vehicles Ltd [2008] UKHL 13, [2008] 1 AC 884. Including quotations (See our abbreviations section below for further guidance). If only available on the web, reference as follows: In the bibliography, list in Secondary Sources. Information to include: twenty-four). When referencing dicta from a case, either paragraph or page numbering can be used. Graham Greenleaf, The Global Development of Free Access to Legal Information (2010) 1(1) EJLT accessed 27 July 2010. If referring to a different page in the same source, use Ibid., followed by a comma and the number of the relevant page (e.g. for more details. If no individual author is identified, but an organisation or institution claims editorial responsibility for the work, then cite it as the author. authordate -- Author/date style citation styles beebe -- A collection of bibliographies besjournals -- Bibliographies suitable for British Ecological Society journals bestpapers -- A BibTeX package to produce lists of authors' best papers bib2gls -- Command line application to convert .bib files to glossaries-extra.sty resource files A pinpoint is a reference to a particular paragraph of a judgement or page of a report. A case name should be given as it appears in the most authoritative report of the case. In text:refer to the text giving case names in italics eg: InPhipps v Boardman31.. For most sources in OSCOLA, the bibliographic format is the same as the footnote. Author (Initials & Surname ) Example Journal Reference: Digitalisation and Intermediaries in the Music Industry: The Rise of the Entrepreneur? For specific references, include a comma, followed by the chapter or page number, including ch. and/or p.. If you read a book that was translated from another language (eg, you read an English translation of a book orginally written in German), cite the translation: If there is an author and translator, referenceas follows: See3.2.2 OSCOLA 4th ed. Author names in the bibliography are inverted, and initials are used in place of the first name: If you want to cite this source, you can copy and paste the citation or click the Cite this Scribbr article button to automatically add the citation to our free Reference Generator. Enter in alphabetical order in the Secondary Sources. The Assistant Editor is responsible for sending the submission to at least two recognised experts for independent, external peer review. Older books do not have ISBNs, but you should cite them as books even if you read them online. See3.4.10 OSCOLA 4th ed. (Oxford: OUP, 2018)). In-text citations & footnotes OSCOLA uses a footnote citation system. Example: Topping S, Beck D and Wilson P, Analysing Law (Routledge, London 2008). OSCOLA referencing, sometimes referred to as Oxford referencing, is a style of referencing primarily used in UK academic content related to the law. If you wish to refer to someone speaking during the programme, follow this format: Cite the name of the speaker (if a direct quote), the title of the programme, the radio station and the date of the programme. A bibliography lists all your secondary sources that is, everything other than cases and legislation. When the previous reference to the source was in an earlier footnote (i.e. Give the editors or editors name(s) as above for the author, with ed./eds. following immediately in brackets. Law Commission, 'Housing: Encouraging Responsponsible Letting' (Law Com No 312 Cm 7458, TSO, 2008) [1.5]. 2006). author, | 'Title' | date | volume number | journal title | 1st page of article | pinpoint (if needed) Paul Craig, 'Theory, "Pure Theory" and Values in Public Law' [2005] PL 440. Cross-references to footnotes above should take the form supran. 25, and cross-references to footnotes below should take the form infra n. 25. The full citation need only be given at the first reference to the case, which should also provide the shorthand reference to be used in subsequent citations. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Rowan Cruft, Title of Book Review (2011) Law & Philosophy 637. A Quick Guide to OSCOLA Referencing | Rules & Examples. More than 3 authors For sources with multiple authors. OR:See text to n 22. This means referring to a source you have not read that you have found within another source that you are using. You should cite an Act by its short title and year in roman, using capitals for the major words. Gunther Teubner, Legal Irritants: Good Faith in British Law or How Unifying Law Ends up in New Divergences [1998] MLR 11. Pila, J, The Value of Authorship in the Digital Environment in William H Dutton and Paul W Jeffreys (eds), 1. [2] For example, if you used a book as a source that was written by Harry Potter and Luna Lovegood, your Works Cited entry would start "Potter, Harry." See 3.2.2 OSCOLA 4th edn for more details. Reference either an on-line or printed Journal Article, Select a different Source Type See examples, Enter the Surname and Initials for each Author of the Journal, You must enter at least one Author including their first initial, Add a 3rd Author You must insert an 'and' before the last author's name, European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) cases. The table of cases comes first, followed by the table of legislation, and then the bibliography. Misc (multiple authors, editors.) A footnote always ends with a full stop: To save space in OSCOLA citations, abbreviations are used for the names of various publications and legal bodies. hUmo0+U-vB"0V ~pQC@I:~g@a2g=fQB88FS (TPDd=B`a9It2WdRA,L. If there is no title, use the name of the case in italics instead, and put note at the end of the citation. If there is no author, cite the editor or translator as an author, adding in brackets after their name. Authors should provide between three and six keywords highlighting the field(s) and topic(s) of their submission. When you cite EU treaties and protocols, give the title of the legislation, followed by the year of publication, the OK series and the issue and page numbers. Introduction to OSCOLA referencing style The Oxford Standard for Citation of Legal Authorities (OSCOLA) was developed at Oxford University, and is widely used by law schools and publishers to acknowledge source information. Paul Craig, Theory, Pure Theory and Values in Public Law [2005] PL 440. Refence case notes with titles as if they were journal articles. Simon Tonking, Jury Trial (BBC Radio 4, 1 May 2010) accessed 15 February 2013. If they are a Lord/Lady Justice, use LJ, e.g. 1. Some newspapers have The in the title and some do not. Book. It is a guide to legal citation developed by the Oxford Law Faculty and is an authoritative way to prepare legal citation in the UK academic world. ), For more detailed information see OSCOLA 1.2.2. See3.4.2 OSCOLA 4th ed. nmbib -- Multiple versions of a bibliography, with different sort orders notes2bib -- Integrating notes into the bibliography notex-bst -- A BibTeX style that outputs HTML oscola -- BibLaTeX style for the Oxford Standard for the Citation of Legal Authorities perception -- BibTeX style for the journal Perception Youve extracted the key research, peppered your content with incisive observations, and youve just typed the last words of your Law essay conclusion. If there are more than three authors, give the name of the first author followed by 'and others'. See3.2.3 OSCOLA 4th edn for more details. The Oxford University Standard for the Citation of Legal Authorities (OSCOLA) is a referencing style used by students and academics in law. Alan Sugar, The Apprentice (episode 3, Aug 12, BBC1 2015) accessed 15 February 2016. Note the different rules for annual case reports as compared with ongoing reports. Blah, blah.). Referencing - OSCOLA Secondary sources Primary sources are the law itself -- cases, legislation, regulations. If the subsequent citation is directly after the full citation, simply use the term ibid. Cross citation is when you are referring to discussion in another part of your writing, for example on an earlier page or in a previous chapter. For more detailed information, see OSCOLA Appendix 4.2. Intellectual Property Law in Scotland). When a Bill is reprinted at any stage it is given a new running number. Try to avoid secondary referencing as it is always preferable to use the original source and you should always try to locate this. In the House of Commons, written answers are indicated by the suffix W after the column number; in the House of Lords, they are indicated by the prefix WA before the column number. Author,Title(edition,Publisher | year) page number. A Court of Appeal Judge who is Lord or Lady Smith should be referred to asSmith LJ. Summer School 2023 is filling up fast. (accessed 25 January 2018). That means that you add small, superscript numbers (for example, 1,2,3) to the sources in your text, which connect to footnotes at the bottom of your page. Case name in italics [year] court number, [year] OR (year) volume report abbreviation first page. Only do this if paragraph numbers are explicitly used in the text. J Herring). ' The point of these citations is to direct your reader to the alphabetised reference list, where you give full information about each source. Use the following abbreviations: Official notices of the EU are in the Official Journal of the European Communities (which is abbreviated to OJ). A footnote is marked in the text with a footnote number, which appears at the end of the relevant sentence or clause. 6. Having determined suitability, the Managing Editor assigns Articles to a Supervising Editor, who in turn assigns it to an Assistant Editor with particular experience and/or interest in the field. For subsequent citation of secondary sources, you only need the authors surname. Case citations including neutral citations: Full citation (including footnote number for illustration) 3 John Knowles, Effective Legal Research (4 th edn, Sweet & Maxwell 2016) 33.. Authors' surname and cross-citation to footnote number 3. Sources are listed in alphabetical order within each table and in the bibliography. 'Theory, "Pure Theory" and Values in Public Law' [2005] PL 440, 'In Defense of Due Deference' (2009) 72 MLR 554. an article/pdf/ebook is available anywhere in print format, you should cite it as you would a printed piece of work (even if you have read it online). If you have included the case name in the text, you do not have to include the case names in the footnote: From 2001, case numbers were used instead of page numbers. In most cases journal titles have both a volume number and a year so round brackets will normally be used. (2008) 71 MRL 413 accessed 15 Jan 2014, European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) cases. If the information is only available online, give the URL before the accessed date information. For older statutes, you can give the regnal year and chapter number. Round brackets ( ) are used when the year is not necessary to identify the relevant volume of the journal (e.g. The author must change any references in these formats into the SCRIPTed house style, and use footnotes accordingly. Neither do citations of cases with a neutral citation. Headings within the text are encouraged. Each primary word should begin with a capital letter (e.g. If you are referring to a particular Act a number of times in the same place, you can provide an abbreviated form of the title in the footnotes, as long as you let your reader know in advance. Use the full name of the author(s) as written in the source. Polyphenols: food sources, properties and applications - a review. %PDF-1.6 % There is no specific guidance on this within OSCOLA. from Pinpointing a page Example Remove full stops to comply with OSCOLA. See OSCOLA 4th edn 3.4.8 for more details. Quotes within such quotes should be presented with double quotation marks (). When referencing a specific article in a collected work please provide the author(s) name and chapter title (with all primary words capitalised), in double quotation marks ( ). Contact your Academic Liaison Librarian if you have any questions about referencing. See3.4.11 OSCOLA 4th edn for more details. A z can be used in official names of organisations (e.g. For specific references, include a comma, followed by p. and the page number. Dr Douglas Guilfoyle, The UN Convention on the Law of the Sea: Origins and Importance (14 August 2013) accessed 15 April 2014. Your email address will not be published. As with case reports, square brackets are used for years in a journal citation if the year also identifies the volume; normal brackets are used when there are multiple volumes in a year. Authors are responsible for ensuring that their submission conforms to SCRIPTeds formatting style (see below and our Article and Book Review templates), and for ensuring that all citations are accurate. It is good practice to use cross citation as little as possible. Oscola by Donal Nolan (Editor); Sandra Meredith (Editor); Faculty of Law, University of Oxford Staff Call Number: D 340.074 OSC ISBN: 9781849463676 Publication Date: 2012-04-26 Examples of citing sources using OSCOLA These are some examples of how you might cite some common legal materials using OSCOLA. If the case name is included in the text, omit it in the footnote. Edward Dove, Jiahong Chen, and Laurence Diver). For more detailed information, see OSCOLA 1.1 and 1.2. when footnote 34 says, supran. 25, make sure that footnote 25 contains the information that it should). These remarks made by the Director of company X indicate that). A hyphen - should be used as a word separator (e.g. Pinpointing is not used in the bibliography. Enter the DOI of the journal you wish to reference. Deb is short for debate, vol for volume, and col for column. Conference Reports and Book Reviews are not externally peer reviewed; they are reviewed by the Editor-in-Chief and/or Managing Editor only. Anderson W and Weatherburn P, 'Treatment Information Needs of People Living with HIV' (Research report Nam Publications 1996). OSCOLA Referencing Style. 44(12), pp.2512-2518. If the relevant law report series was also issued in more than one volume in that particular year, give it a volume number. The bibliography is the same format as the footnote except that the author's last name comes first, only the author's initial(s) are used and there is no full stop at the end of the citation. Please also consult the Oxford English Dictionary (OED) for correct spellings. PCMLP University of Oxford, An introduction to Legal Citation Using OSCOLA accessed 04 November 2015,, A House of Lords judge should be referred to as, A Supreme Court judge should be referred to as, The Lord Chief Justice can be abbreviated to. The OSCOLA style can be considered a footnote-based alternative to the Harvard format, as it is also applied in universities throughout the world regardless of the discipline. In the bibliography list all of the authors. For example: Another alternative, particularly if the podcast is quite long, would be to provide the minutes and seconds of the excerpt: Author, 'Title' (additional information, publisher year), Footnote: For reports where each year is also identified with a volume number, the year appears in normal brackets. Section instead of s.. OSCOLA is a footnote style: all citations . For Book Reviews, our in-house Book Review template should be used. OSCOLA abbreviates a wide range of legal sources and institutions. In footnotes write the first authors name followed by and others. Registered office: Creative Tower, Fujairah, PO Box 4422, UAE. For articles with multiple authors, use the first name and surname for up to three authors, separated by an (Oxford) comma and and (e.g. If online journals lack some of the publication elements for OSCOLA, follow the citation advice of the online journal. by 1 Robert Stevens, Torts and Rights (OUP 2007). An example of the bibliography for an online article: GobertJ, 'The Corporate Manslaughter and Corporate Homicide Act 2007: Thirteen Years in the Making but was it Worth the Wait?' endstream endobj 637 0 obj <>/Metadata 30 0 R/Pages 634 0 R/StructTreeRoot 111 0 R/Type/Catalog>> endobj 638 0 obj <>/MediaBox[0 0 596.04 842.04]/Parent 634 0 R/Resources<>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI]>>/Rotate 0/StructParents 0/Tabs/S/Type/Page>> endobj 639 0 obj <>stream Bibliography: Omit reference to specific page numbers (other than the first page of the article) in your bibliographic entry. The bibliographyat the end of the document includes the full details of each source so the reader can find them themselves. do not write See n. 12.). The most common ones are covered below. In general only include the web address when the document is only available online, when the web address ia especiallyhelpful for finding the document and when the web address is static (eg. Referees are asked to consider the following: (1) overall quality; (2) originality (its contribution to the field); (3) timeliness and time sensitivity; (4) academic standards (argumentation and presentation, including adequacy of referencing, grammar, syntax etc. Revised manuscript submissions received by the Managing Editor may be returned to Referees or may be assessed solely by the Managing Editor (having reference to the review and recommendations by the Referees). For example: Also, order the sources with legislation before cases, and primary sources before secondary.