Sakaki and Akisame finally came out of hiding and congratulated Kenichi on a wonderful fight. Even when it comes to his enemies, he shows them respect and never speaks ill of them and even cares for their well-being and refuses to allow them to ever speak ill of others. Kajima is then seen thrown against the wall as Kenichi activates the third level of Rysui Seikken, reading Kajima's movements and using the flow of his own attacks against him. Rachel has shown to find him "cute" and has an attraction towards him, going as far as to kiss him on the cheek, causing Miu to be very angry and jealous from her. Kenichi connects with his Mubyshi which Kajima counters with another technique: Rentangai. Kenichi agrees and the masters all help and save Rachel. Is Kenichi anime complete? RyzanpakuKatsujinkenShinpaku AllianceRyzanpaku Team That night, when Takeda and Ukita were about to be taken out by Ragnark for their betrayal, Takeda's phone accidentally speed dialed Kenichi and he arrived with Miu to save the two. Junazard, realizing that Miu's naturally compassion was still holding her back from killing and being completely brainwashed, he decided to take an alternate path. He also commented that fighting Kenichi while in that state was like fighting a martial arts text book. When dojo hunters arrived at Ryzanpaku wanting to fight Sakaki, Kenichi stepped in to fight and gains he upper hand temporary and afterwards Sakaki stepped in after Kenichi's efforts and defeated them all and gained more money after sending them to Akisame's clinic. Kenichi managed to land one hit on the master and Sakaki revealed himself. Kenichi had Shigure to just use a wooden spoon made by Akisame to fight them and surprisingly broke the Valkyries weapons and cut their clothes forcing them to retreat. The group escapes to the outside to watch Hong fight Junazard. Miu sees him and panics thinking he is hurt but he assures her he is fine but gets a nose bleed from noticing her shirt being partly opened and having no bra on. Kenichi, Miu, and Niijima arrive at the missile base and Kenichi is awed by the prospect of making their way inside. Loki interrupted the fight and had Kenichi take beating if he doesnt want anything bad to happen to Honoka. Kenichi would try to calm her down and, embarrassed and apologizing to Miu in advance, groped her breasts (calling it a Ma Kensei move) to bring her back to her senses. Meeting the culprit, Spark, member of YOMI, Kenichi fights her to protect everyone. Akisame had set up people to guard where the swords are most likely going to be stolen. It was a combination of all the things Kenichi had learned from his masters into a single punch powerful enough to defeat most people in a single blow. Physically, Kenichi has changed over the course of the story. Miu was consumed with rage and attacked Hong then Silkwat after realizing who was planning this while her clothes were being ripped apart by the electric fence she was standing on. The next day, Kenichi is informed that Niijima is kidnapped. In the beginning, due to his inexperience in fighting, he was a thin and somewhat scrawny and frail physique. However, others have noted how much more cheerful and energetic she is and happy around Kenichi. Kenichi said she's fine and wished to meet him again and Ryto agreed to meet. how strong does kenichi get. That night, he goes on a trip with Akisame and Sakaki to protect a congress woman from a Yami member. They discover it's all pure gold, prompting Kenichi to hold Miu back from her excitement of the gold present. Personal Info After Miu seemingly defeats Rimi, Ogata appears. As Kenichi believes Berserker is trying to prove he can beat him without using his arms, Berserker states he said this fighting method would work better, prompting Kenichi to note to himself that he's making a smaller and stronger Seikken by decreasing his reach noting he's just going with the flow, prompting Kenichi to call him a genius. Though Kenichi views Niijima as a bad person and nothing but a joke, he calls him a "bad friend" and decides to save him regardless. While their, they would find word of Miu from Raden Tidat Lona, Jihan's younger sister and she wished for them to work together to take down Jenazad together and save Miu. While together, they were attacked by assassins and Miu was with them, shocking them. As Thor notes she gave up a lot for martial arts, Kenichi notes it's because of martial arts that he got to meet her and convinces her to ride it with him together and they ride it together which causes Miu to note how happy it is to wave from the ride for a change. No matter how times Kenichi attacked, Siegfried got back up and knocked him out. Due to his no-hitting women principles, Kisara was angry by him for going easy on her and fought hard against him. On the other hand Miu has been trained by him for all or most of the time she's. Kajima deflects the attack with such force that Kenichi backs off and wonders if Kajima is actually a disciple. Height He wears his wrests guards given to him by the Elder and Miu whenever he fights with a weapon users. Kenichi was challenged by one of his best friends, Ikki Takeda, who has been trained by James Shiba, to see how far they both have come as martial artists. Miu then comes in and asks Kenichi to cut the potatoes with her and says she'll be waiting for him, causing Kenichi to realize that he may be right. Kenichi vows that he would be the one to defeat Hermit. Kenichi manages to remain standing after the attack but he notices that he is unable to move his hands and legs. Whenever Kenichi is done fighting a long fight, she is usually running up to him and tearfully hugging him and states how glad she is when he's alright. Kenichi prepares Rysui Seikken in order to read Kajima's flow but his concentration is broken when Kajima asks if he likes Miu. He also sticks to his convictions, be it fair (such as never hitting a guy with glasses) to very controversial, such as his belief to never hit a girl, no matter the situation. Due to Kensei Ma's influence on him, Kenichi has shown a bit of a perverted side, such as when Ma takes Kenichi to a secret location to watch Miu and Shigure bathe in their usual spot (and later uses him as a decoy to escape). Later, they go home after Christopher escapes and he heals his injuries, but as noted by Miu, Kenichi has grown stronger from his experiences and became braver in the martial arts world. Because of Kenichi's efforts, a gang called Ragnark drew their attention to him for defeating Tsukuba (and because of Niijima spreading the news all over school). Just before Mihai can kill him, Kenichi and Miu are saved by the sudden arrival of Christopher Eclair and Mycroft. However, this also resulted in a raised intensity of beating from his masters. Hayato Frinji stated that this is already the level of strongest in history. Why is Kenichi so strong? When arriving at his destination, they run into Renka Ma, Kensei's daughter and attacks her father to bring him home but escapes. Kenichi and Kajima take their stances as they prepare to battle. [email protected] [email protected] +919910039410 +919910039410. Kenichi activates the second level of Rysui Seikken to defend against Kajima's attacks but the Yami disciple collects ki in his fists and attacks with Shinogidachi. Kenichi's strategy is working against Odin, but then the Ragnarok leader turns to a new fearsome power that may destroy both of them. how strong does kenichi get. Just as not even a day had passed, he decided to return to face his masters due to him knowing he can't hide like a child anymore and just as he returns, Boris Ivanov, member of YOMI, challenged the dojo. Kenichi correctly reads that Kajima wants to chase after Niijima but Kajima adds that Niijima will not survive wandering the Yami base by himself. He didn't take any guards with him." Akai said as he looked at Kenichi leaving . Kenichi acknowledges Shigure's words and clears away any idle thoughts, focusing on his desire to win against Kajima as a martial artist. When he grabs Pengulu's sword using his body and tells Miu to attack him, Miu, still unable to control herself, brutally attacks him in the back and Pengulu strikes down on Kenichi's back causing him to lose consciousness. Kenichi's 2nd most powerful attack is the one he invented himself dubbed "Mubyshi" (literally meaning no beat). Kenichi has earned the trust of the One Shadow, Miu's father for protecting Miu from Junazard and stopping him and breaking the his spell on her. how strong does kenichi getdoes the wesleyan church believe in speaking in tongues. Kenichi eventually defeated Loki with his strongest combo causing his men to retreat. He leaves once Sakaki arrives with Miu briefly waking up thinking she heard her father. So as not to let other people get hurt in his battles again like Renka, he decides to train even harder to take on YOMI. Kajima is shown performing a seal with his toes that increases his arm strength and he launches a Frinji style technique, Chigiguruma (Thousand Tree Wheel), hitting Kenichi and slamming him against a wall. He uses this opportunity to make a run for it with Miu, enraging Mihai from being tricked. When a soldier tries to kill Miu, Sh gets up and takes the bullets for her and dies from the blood loss, but not before making Kenichi promise to protect Miu in his place. Miu even gets jealous and possessive of Kenichi when other girls are around him and fights for his attention. Miu, Raichi and Kenichi engages in a long battle with him, but are not able to defeat him properly. He is a bookworm and aspires to become a novelist. However, he is shocked and confused to discover that there is nobody on the other side of the call, just an automated message. Whenever he sees women barely dressed or almost naked, he tends to have a nosebleed. Kemumaki is a selfish Koga-ninja who cons a lot of people, but his biggest ambition is to win Yumeko's heart and make Kenichi and Hattori lose. Just then, he questions Miu about Tchmaru and is horrified to discover she accidentally left Tchmaru back on the tanker. Kenichi jumps in the air to avoid Kajima's last strike but Kajima appears behind him and takes advantage of the opening by using Misagootoshi, burying Kenichi's upper half into the floor. As a result of this he asks her more about herself and finds out how she always tries to find out more about her parents but fails and decides to help her. Ryto understands and he and Kenichi decide to talk another time and Kenichi tells Miu they should head home before she gets a cold. After hearing Ryto's reason for taking the badge and his hatred for Kenichi for causing him to not keep the badge Miu gave him, Kenichi grows frustrated by him and shouts how stupid this is and declares he'll defeat him to bring him back to his senses. He is encouraged as he remembers their words to trust the fruits of his training and Kenichi determinedly says that he does believe, in himself and his training. Miu reassures him that they'll do what they can and they advance and knock out the soldiers guarding the entrance. During the battle with Boris, the masters said they trained his muscles to have both endurance and explosive power; Apachai also said he implanted the hitting instinct into Kenichi. Since he was going to die in any case, he decided to pursue martial arts and that is when he encountered Senzui. Apart from that she adds that some of his movements are similar to hers and Kan Sh's, indicating that Kajima has learned from the Kuremisago as well. how to change chrome to desktop mode in mobile. Kenichi was born to Mototsugu Shirahama, a businessman to an unknown firm and Saori Shirahama, a homemaker and later in his adolescence, brother to his sister Honoka Shirahama. tony bloom starlizard. Mistaking that for Takeda's gift to Miu, he also went out to buy a present, and takes her on a date to a fast food restaurant. After interrogating the man through Akisame's and Sakaki's rather frightening methods, Miu, Kenichi, Akisame and Sakaki run on rooftops and arrive at an empty train station (though Kenichi has difficulty compared to the others). Kan has received similar training for almost his entire life from nine different masters as opposed to Kenichi's five. On the way to Ryzanpaku, Kenichi and Miu saw Valkyrie (a.k.a Kisara) who they thought was kicking a kitten in a box, but actually saw her feeding it. Though flattered, Shigure says the best he can do is train less he train with Apachai and Kii, to which he does. He goes up against Tirawit once more, both angry because both of their masters lost and it ended up in a draw. How to do Archer Push Ups the easy way, to get stronger, improve fitness, gain muscle mass, do more push ups and get good at calist. The next few days later, Kenichi is informed Freya and her grandfather Danki Kugatachi has been kidnapped and with the Shinpaku Alliance proceeds to rescue her being the one to land the first hit of the battle Kenichi later chases after the trunk Freya & Danki were loaded on stalling a master class fighter so they could escaped and was knocked unconscious when he woke up he wound from the master class fighter was being patched up by Danki but as plan to rise his apprentice's status. Eventually, Kenichi shifted Thors center of gravity and tossed him up and out of the ring making Kenichi the winner. He tells Kenichi to gather his strength and protect her from falling into darkness and evil. However, Apachai found Kenichi due to Tchmaru placing a tracker on his back before he left. When Kensei goes on a trip to find his brother, Sgetsu Ma, Kenichi follows and the two eventually tag along. Kenichi has since grown much, much stronger. Contrary to many characters in the series, Kenichi grew up in an average lifestyle and was friends with Ryto Asamiya, and were best friend back when they were 6 years old mainly because they both were picked on by others, Kenichi's life changed abruptly when he and Ryto saw a young Miu defend an elder woman who was being harassed by thugs. Even with the abnormally intense training he has received, Kenichi's growth is not normal. He later trains at Ryzanpaku and hears of the Hachi Executioner Blade and how their leader is said to be as strong as the elder. Renka Ma is attracted to him due to how strong he has become and brave, going as far as transferring schools to be close to him and always trying to cling to him and fight over his attention with Miu and her "strong liking" has eventually developed into "strong love" which she refuses to admit, but her emotions prove otherwise.