As a retired Green Beret, his assessment and stats of the war are accurate. Based on them, and allowing for a couple of intervening years, there appear to be about 600,000 veterans still living who actually set foot in Vietnam or flew in the skies above it. as far as who is a vietnam vet is simple. Using the 2.7 million and assuming one hundred thousand did two tours, I would use the six hundred thousand as the amount still living, due mainly to the delays in Agent Orange treatments and PTSD delays with the sucides from 1970 approx. Anyone who served during or because of The Vietnam War IS a Vietnam War Veteran. But as to how many of us have died since then, I havent a clue. He showed me his DD214 and low and behold it says he was in Vietnam. On Sat, Jun 19, 2021 at 4:22 PM CherriesWriter Vietnam War website wrote: > pdoggbiker posted: This is a controversial post. How many ww2 vets left 2021? Through my blood-covered face, I could not distinguish whom! I did work with Korean Troops. Pop, POP POP. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your account. My whole essence was involved it the quest of one more heartbeat, one more breath, one more gasp of pain averting energy, one moment at a time. I made a mistake !!!!! How many Vietnam veterans are dying everyday? Me? Performance cookies are used to understand and analyze the key performance indexes of the website which helps in delivering a better user experience for the visitors. But having spent a little time thinking about it, I go with the 2m figure. Anyone suggesting that only a CIB award means you were a combat veteran is very uninformed The Battle of Soui Tre March 21, 1967 the men of the 2/77 Artillery were every bit infantry as well as Arty that day and many many other FSB battles. There were approx. Assuming were talking solely about U.S. Vietnam veterans, all I would add is that anyone who served in the military and entered the war zone is technically a Vietnam veteran. I have spoken at many VETS EVENTS, and done interviews with the media .. Never get tired of people telling me Thank You for your service, and absolutely love hearing WELCOME HOME !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The VA sent out a news release on March 29th, 2022, entitled DISABILITY COMPENSATION AND BENEFITS AVAILABLE TO VIETNAM WAR VETERANS. It included the following line, which should put this question to rest. (LogOut/ I was on the initial invasion into Cambodia, that battle was 15 REMFS against 300 NVA> The next day we went in with the 25th infantry. 240,000 survivingAbout 70 million people fought in World War II and, as of 2021, there are still approximately 240,000 surviving veterans in the United States alone. Bob ONeal, Lt.Col. So, when we talk about Vietnam vets who are living or dead, we should be talking STRICTLY about Vets who participated in the Vietnam War. Operation Homecoming was completed on March 29, 1973, when the last of 591 U.S. prisoners were released and returned to the United States. I spent 3 separate tours in Vietnam. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. Ive never seen so many people so full of shit trying to answer a question like how many Vietnam veterans are still alive today. Scavenger said you had to be fired on in viet nam to be a veteran. Those an in the Era the we were in Vietnam but they are not Vietnam Vets by any stretch of you imagination. The youngest Vietnam War veteran was a 15-year-old child named Dan Bullock. Vietnam era vets are not the same as Vietnam vets, but they are important. Our side would have collapsed without you. But Officers do not get CIBs But for those Cav troopers who know I have my Spurs. This is a reasonable number but you get very different notions of the death rate when you compare 800,000 to 2.7 million versus 800,000 out of 9.2 million. I do not know where that number 1 in 14 came from, but in my time in the Army 1962-1970 it was in the range of 1 in 8 to 10 using the total manpower % . Also, some do not consider those who served in Thailand as Vietnam Vets. According to the Department of Defense, infantry soldiers had the highest casualties during the Vietnam War, making infantry the deadliest job in Vietnam. His combat medal was an Air Medal. After Vietnam I hitchhiked for about 12 years. Very helpful for this Viet Nam vet, at 73 and a little long in the tooth I I find that my understanding of the time I spent in Viet Nam comes into sharper focus as time goes by and the reality of what happened and what I did to participate makes me proud especially because I volunteered for Viet Nam at the age of 17. The dust settled back to normality, as if man did not exist. Great article! They are NOT Veterans. Veterans support veterans, their stories and we bristle at those who would steal their history, we are not Valor Police, but those who pretend are an insult to those of who struggle with that past. How many Vietnam veterans are dying . It seems to be all about syntax. Nebraska Farm Boy, that had to go to County Agent Classes before buying any chemicals. Dave V. 1st Battalion, 14 th FA, Americal Division, VN, I Corps. Every grunt I know would say no. So yes, we did indeed see combatoften. Vietnam Vet_combat. This cookie is used by the website's WordPress theme. But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. That was our regimen along the Cambodian border, too. Served most of my time on LZ Professional. it was printed in the ny times and cherries writer. Alice, my sister lost hers in Oct 2020 from throat cancer due to agent Orange. Heres a fact: Jeffery Lynn Scheller, USN, born July 31, 1954 was Killed In Action on October 1, 1972. (Mar 1969-Sep 70) 2/23, 196 LIB & 1/23 MP Co, 11 LIB, AMERICAL DIV. Home Kent State University How Many Vietnam Veterans Are Still Alive In 2022? Learn something new everyday. I was at 6 different LZs from Aug 67-Aug 68, with a 4th Medical Battalion aid station (D Company), and I never heard of a fuck you lizard. A Vietnam era veteran is certainly not a Veteran of the Vietnam War. in one way or another. She has received numerous awards and accolades for her work, including being named one of the "Top 10 Educators to Watch" by Education Week magazine. I raised my left leg and body up and pushed off that knee with my left hand. Where is this one in twelve figure from? I know from my time with the 3/25 that you dont need to be a ground pounder to see more then your share of combat. RVN. Your not a vet if you never stepped foot in another country. I appreciate all the support there and around the world but Vietnam area at Fort Whatever Ohio wasnt Vietnam and no matter how brave the girls in Germany told you you were you were not a Vietnam Vet. One count should be those Vietnam Veterans who had feet on the ground. nearly every classmate from the academy served on some basis during the vn war. DamnIll be 76 in March. Perfect. I served in 67 69 & had stroke in 93 then heart attack in 2002 with 2d in 2004 . from Fallen Leaves, Broken Lives By Edward Tick i agree with many who feel that a private who served his time in new jersey is not a vietnam vet. Not sure what to think about the article. This could be a simple semantics issue, but what about the Air Force guys who flew over Vietnam. Today is Sun 22 Aug 2021 but the actual date HAS YET TO BE DETERMINED as the US is SENDING GIs BACK! Agent Orange was sprayed on the Jungle areas, and Melathion (Insecticide) was sprayed on Base Camps. March 29, 1973Part of what was called Operation Homecoming, the first 20 POWs arrived to a heros welcome at Travis Air Force Base in California on February 14. This is a suicide rate of 1 EVERY 65-80 minutes (APPROX). drafted in 1966, Vietnam 1967-68 with the 1st infantry 75!!!! It should be duly noted that these numbers do not include the 2500 to 3000 US Air Force troops stationed in Guam, Thailand, and other countries that were involved in the Vietnam War effort. Still, the American War Library continues to verify their accounts and come to more concrete conclusions. With the Americal after I got back I had maps. Some idiot in DC decided to do this. Bien Hoa & Phu Bai, two badly polluted areas! The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Other. Scavenger1, I agree with you. We use cookies on our website to give you the most relevant experience by remembering your preferences and repeat visits. Sobering Statistics Concerning Vietnam Vets As of April 2016 . The U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs estimates that 530 Vietnam veterans die every day. I knew I had to stand up again, even though I made a better target; my staying in the open road would be a death sentence. Hometown: Vega Baja, Puerto Rico. All the millions of other Vietnam Era Veterans are Cold War Veterans. I am a Proud US Army Veteran retired in 1984. I began to think that was the excuse for NOT being in combat. Base was 1st MAW Danang AB which got hit early Tet with rockets, mortars and sappers. Floyd James ThompsonHe was one of the longest-held American prisoner of war in U.S. history that was returned or captured by troops, spending nearly nine years in captivity in the forests and mountains of South Vietnam and Laos, and in North Vietnam during the Vietnam War. Still, other sources like the New York Times claim the number of Vietnam veterans is actually somewhere around 9.2 million. Born: 01/29/1945. All Lawyer adds is for 2 percent, do you think that this was a greater risk for Cancer. I am a Viet Nam combat veteran. 9.2 million served on active duty (5 August 1964 to 7 May 1975) 2,590,000 served in the combat zone. Thirty one sets of parents lost two of their sons. Overall, the death rate of Vietnam veterans seems to be rather consistent if not better than other people their same age, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. April 1st was my day to rejoin 4th. My husband was awarded several (door gunner w/191st AHC Bounty Hunters). There was a huge difference between tours of duty also. Therefore there are a lot fewer combat veterans from Vietnam. How many Vietnam veterans are dying each day? A few times Id meet a group of guys claiming they were all Nam Vets. I am an Era vet, and the closest I got was R&R in Thailand. I do not know how many others served with us. Once I was threatened with death if I mentioned NAM again. How many Vietnam veterans died from Agent Orange? Considering the kind of information available about the death rate of WWII and Korean War Veterans, publicized information indicates that in the last 14 years Vietnam veterans are dying at the rate of 390 deaths each day. First and most important who is a Vietnam veteran? As a Combat Infantry Veteran those who allow people to assume that they experienced actual combat because they refer to themselves as a Vietnam Vet. the merchant marine needed every officer and sailor they could find. Ive reached the age of truth telling, and have grown sick of pretending, and giving trophies to the undeserving I saw good men die, and their loved ones dont deserve this dishonor any longer. What is the life expectancy of a Vietnam veteran? I asked him to give me his number, he did not put a number on it just that he was Not. My number one issue is running into a FAKE. we spent sometimes a month or more in one port depending on the cargo and the need. BAM! The number of Viet Nam veterans, those who served in combat and combat related services (such those flyboys from outside the territory/waters of Viet Nam is about 2.7 million. If you fired a weapon in defense, outside the wire,, and your boots were on the ground in VN you are a COMBAT vet. Here are some statistics on the veterans of the Vietnam War. SFC Chester D Carpenter, I liked it very much this war was up close and personal to me I first thought if the French were there for over twenty years what could we do from the beginning this was a war about money and troops paying the high price in blood I will not name names but Agt Orange was used in Korea they knew how harmful it was I had two personal losses my Navy pilot and my best friend a Marine he came home but never could come to terms with life again, John, I need to talk to you about this article. Or is this a total number of vets with all the other countries that supported us . many US MILITARY PERSONNELL served in Afghanistan from the start to when the last GI got on the last plane/helicopter out. Could this be friendly fire on a beautiful Sunday? Yes, there are fuckyou lizards. my point is that they were shot at and in country. They are paying on Melathion settlements (Watch TV, and it as on 2 to 3% purity, used inside US) There are no living Veterans that I know of. The Vietnam War was the nation's longest and costliest conflict of the Cold War. Thank you in advance! As of 2015, more than 1,600 of those were still unaccounted-for. The Defense POW/MIA Accounting Agency (DPAA) of the U.S. Department of Defense lists 687 U.S. POWs as having returned alive from the Vietnam War. In fact, the first two advisors (MAJ Dale Buis and MSG Chester Ovnand) killed by the enemy died in an attack on their base near Bien Hoa on July 8, 1959. At 73 years, I plan on beating that date. Spot on. Currently, it is estimated with data provided by the United States Census Bureau, that there about 100,000 Oregon Vietnam era veterans alive today. The cookie is set by GDPR cookie consent to record the user consent for the cookies in the category "Functional". when we carried peaches and beer, no problem. I signed up for it in 2018 at the VA Hospital in Buffalo. The amount of compensation a Vietnam War veteran can receive varies depending on their individual circumstances, such as their disability rating and the number of dependents they have. fired on coming up river, a few other things. Age: 75. The New York Times estimated that, of the 8.4 million Vietnam veterans who were still alive in 2000, 1.1 million had died. If my math is correct, are you going on 68 years old ? Lots of people say they served in Nam, but dont remember their unit, where they were at in country or any buddies or officers names, since I served with D 2/1 196th LIB as a Combat Medic in 1968, I carried a company Roster and had to give each EM a malaria pill each day, I learned everyones name, dont remember them all after 53 yrs but go to reunion when I can. When he first got out we roomed together, and I came home from school one day s clss was canceled. Certainly leaves some doubt about the numbers because why are we including the years from 1954 to when the actual American forces entered hostile missions? ARP. Estimating the number of suicides among Vietnam veterans Unconfirmed reports that 50,000 or more Vietnam veterans have committed suicide give the impression that these veterans are at exceedingly high risk of suicide compared with other veterans and nonveterans of the same age. I was thinking that in 10 days I would be on R&R in Taipei, Formosa. A Co. 2/8th, First Cavalry, 1968-69. Does having your ramp down and touching a river bank count as boots on ground while we were not allowed to go off the boat when we were pumping gas to the airbase? You were in Combat!!! A total of 9,087,000 military personnel served on active duty during the Vietnam era, with over 2,709,000 Americans serving in Vietnam, about 9.7% of the generation.Vietnam Veterans by State 2022. Well thank God congress got it right putting the definition into law, otherwise those who served there would not be eligible for many VA benefits, particularly Agent Orange claims. Well again, nothing that you have posted tells the story that you were in Vietnam. I WOULD SURVIVE! They used the same aircraft, and there was anything left in the aircraft, whatever the spray for the day was added, so you got both. My cousin was with the 82nd and was there when the TET offensive happened. as we end our lives we should never forget that each served, in some way. Mark Stanley was gone. What is left of them is in Davis Monthan AFB, Tucson, and they still smell today. During the Vietnam War, Air Force C-123 planes sprayed millions of gallons of herbicides over the jungles of Southeast Asia to destroy enemy crops and tree cover. I managed to stand again, stepped, and hurled myself into the jungle. Served at Quang Tri Combat Base )QTCB) 71-72) Same here. He was killed in action just a few months later. I knew place names like War Zone C, Filijo (rubber Plantation), Iron triangle, Bo Lo woods?, I was wounded on the Laos border near a fire base with the 101st. This cookie, set by YouTube, registers a unique ID to store data on what videos from YouTube the user has seen. These numbers do not include the Americans who served in Vietnam during World War II. Here are two additional sources of information (added 9-3-2022) updated in 2021: Very true One of those is my younger brother. These cookies help provide information on metrics the number of visitors, bounce rate, traffic source, etc. Apparently, its been agreed upon that 800,000 Vietnam veterans had passed away by the year 2000. What other conclusions have been made about the percentage of Vietnam veterans who are still alive? What was the cause of preventable deaths in the Vietnam War? We all had a job to do. Nevertheless, if my name was Tom, Dick, or Harry I would have perished, but I could not put my parents through the same ordeal as Aunt Palma and Uncle Frank. Active duty 70-71, Quang Tri, Khe Sahn, Danny. Age: 77. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Performance". If you have any doubts, take a closer look at your DD-214. Steve 11B20 and proud of it. I salute all Veterans, and those Pencil pusher, clerks, medics, fire-fighters, etc., all had jobs to do to support everyone, they deserve respect as well, as without them no one should have had the tools necessary to accomplish any mission! Combat Veteran means being awarded a CIB. Reports from the Department of Veterans Affairs say about 240 300 World War II veterans are still alive in 2021. You are certainly a Vietnam Vet, and I know the danger that you were in As an Infantry (CIB) Sgt I spent part of my second tour with the 97th Trans out of Cam Rahn Bay, they operated @28 LCUs hauling projectiles up those rivers, always a risky business. I think there about 250,000 Virtnam Vets that saw actual combat. According to the American War Library website, it was concluded by the Department of Defense that their best estimate is that between 2,709,918 and 3,173,845 GIs served in Vietnam and its surrounding waters between the years 1954 and 1975. The only good thing was 22 days off my tour. he was wearing his VIETNAM ERA VETERAN cover. No reflection on your daily activities, just a friendly piece of information. The Vietnam War was an undeclared war between the US and Vietnam from 1955 to 1975. I needed the rest! Who really cares who stepped foot on land. No two people standing side by side performed the same duties. I flew with the 220th Aviation Company (Cat Killers) in 1968. i do not remember the moss but the went on quite a while. Been there, seen it, did it. 1st cav div. Those of us on the battlefield who bled and many died would take issue with your opinion. And just as the bell rang he got out of the ring , technically I won the fight. Copyright 2022 These numbers are probably as good as any well ever find and are from 2019 and 2021 respectively. Besides, who says anyone can claim this status or that status just because. Every veteran has his/her duty station recorded on the individual DD214 or 201 personal military forms. I knew what my death would mean to my mother, my father, and the rest of my family and friends. I do not like pretenders but do not want to take on the duty of Valor Police. These numbers were not included since these service members were far removed from combat experience and did not spend any amount of time in harms way. Whether you were sprayed or not makes no difference, and YOU ARE NOT required to prove anything other than being present in Vietnam. two weeksOver 10% of Vietnam casualties were helicopter crew members, and most of those were the door gunners that protected the helicopter, its crew, and its transports, from their exposed position. Just like ALL Vets who served DURING WWII are classified as WWll Vets regardless of where they served. The list of cancers gets longer with each passing year. Was in 82nd and served from a firebase up North to near South China Sea down South, remember some names but 53 years. What is the average age of Vietnam veteran in 2021? If the ratio of approximately 10% remains the same about 314. I served as a Navy Corpsman, Fall of Saigon. We got a personal visit from 10 Generals (no joke). No one paid any attention to them and this non-controversy continues. you tell me. ahead of me in the next row was a man conversing with another man about two rows ahead of him. I was a REMF but was on my 4th pair of boots. If I got in the ring with Cassius clay later known as Mohamed Ali. The thing is the question/topic here is not how many Vietnam combat veterans are there, or how many Vietnam Era veterans are there; its how many Vietnam veterans are there. Today, the state with highest number of Vietnam veterans is California, with 596,130, followed by Florida with 519,224. Avoiding the specifics & particulars is a sign of fraud or a deeply disturbed relationship to their past. Has every CIB wearer actually done that? These numbers have come about due to the extensive research of various mortality indexes and sources by the American War Library which concluded that about one-third of those who served in the Vietnam War are still alive today. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. take a look at my article titled a pale smoke google it . [email protected], Yes a Vietnam Veteran, but not a Combat Veteran. I and other merchant marine did. in any event, i went as soon as i was contacted by the draft board. An overwhelming number are buried by family and friends. I have lived with the 2.7 million number having served in Vietnam all along and believe the Times estimate refers to Era vets having served around the world during those war years. and US, 7 Valuable Life Lessons My Navy Dad Taught Me, Understanding The Five Branches of The Military, 3 Things That Could Happen To the Military in a Recession. Very devisive infighting among all the service members who served at a time when it was not popular. My left leg hurt like HELLFIRE! I served 2 tours late 1966 to late July 1968, TET and the rest as an infantry platoon sgt Also served in Korea 1963 and considered a Korean war vet as that war has never ended. The military stopped the. The remaining 6.5 million were serving either at-home or abroad but not in Vietnam. Help train personnel from many different Companies to do the same. This situation has been an issue for years longer than any of us has been around. Thats sad and should stop. I got in about 20 firefights. Apparently, its been agreed upon that 800,000 Vietnam veterans had passed away by the year 2000. According to the American War Library, as of February 28, 2019, it is estimated that approximately 610,000 Americans who served in land forces during the Vietnam War or in air missions over Vietnam between 1954 and 1975 are still alive to this day. It served my pain well as a lifeless, mean spirited dark soul destroying everything in front of me. Around 2.7 million troops were stationed in Vietnam either on land, within its airspace, or in its waters. To say that the Air Force in Thailand and Guam was too far away to be in harms way shows you have no idea what Navy and Air Force aircrews do. I was also at LZ Bayonet. why not compare them?. I was hoping for more accurate numbers. I shipped to RVN on the USNS Geiger, manned by Merchant Marines, leaving Tacoma, WA on June 30, 1967 and arriving in Vung Tau on July 21, 1967. If we arent able to > determine WHO is a Vietnam Vet, then how can one determine how many of us > are still alive today? The average annual payment was $18,100. How many Vietnam veterans are still missing? Each averaged 2500-3000 personnel on a yearly rotating bases, groaning and shrinking based on the missions being conducted. 2023 CherriesWriter - Vietnam War website, Ive also created a poll to help identify my website audience before leaving, can you please click, Vietnam: The War that killed Trust (GuestPost), Gold Star Families Memorial Monument DedicationCeremony. I do appreciate what they did, from the hero medevacs to those gun ships who flew into madness to help save our asses knowing that mortar rounds fall from above, RPGs & macjine gun rounds were in mass supply with the moniker attached To whom it may concern. The politicians and fake news along with the Berkeley professors lost it for the American people after that. There is no definitive answer to this question as the number of World War 2 veterans who die each day varies depending on the specific situation. We had it good compared to grunts..tdy pay, flight pay, combat pay plus side gigs. He was carrying a BAR, killed fighting an infantry action, and the desk jockeys decided he did not meet requirements for a CIB. for most of it i listened but not wanting to interfere. 499 days, and 10 days in Sydney, Australia !!!!! 400 hundred days of always being ready to fight and protect our 40 Huey helicopters, flew as door gunner a lot. We all bleed red. That is your opinion and youre entitled to it, I disagree very strongly. Question Two. Like you I am sick of ERA Veterans claiming to be in country. I have heard many stories (more in the past 30 years) of people claiming to be a combat veteran, maybe seeking some kind of hero status or valid excuse for why they are where they are. As Ive mentioned before, I dont think posing this question was intended to be divisive among veterans, but it has turned out to be. I could never guess the number of actual Vietnam Vets there are, nor the % still alive. It is an all-too-common misunderstanding that to be affected by Agent Orange you had to have been sprayed, and/or you are required to prove that to the VA. We all figured it was a Combat death. He was shot nine times, while I received the tenth bullet from the ten holes in the windshield. What other conclusions have been made about the percentage of Vietnam veterans who are still alive? Finally got all the right stuff together; received benefits couple months ago. One good way to detect a phony is to ask him what his MOS was. I know full well it takes many, many hands to make the infantry function but like you saidclaim your time. . His Engineer company was tasked to fight as Infantry, and they did. How many ww2 veterans are still alive 2021? Change), You are commenting using your Facebook account. 1,448 soldiers were killed on their last day in Vietnam. I was with the 1st Inf Division from July 67 to June 68 and we received $15 overseas pay and $65 combat pay a month. Posted in these groups: Vietnam War American History Posted >1 y ago I WAS IN THE 85TH ORD COMPANY . I am not sure how it can be calculated, how to distinguish actual combat veterans, as that reality is a risk factor for contact with an enemy force. OH, SHIT- I heard the impact of the Rocket Propelled grenade (RPG) to my left; `this is it, I yelled! I to served two tours 67-68 and 69-70,first with 1st of 8th cav. Oliver Stone. NO REAL VET FAILS TO REMEMBER HIS MOS. Im 75 and served in South Vietnam (30 Dec 1967-68) A/504th MP Bn.