Taking too long? Environmental justice movements fight, survive, love, and create in the face of violence that challenges the conditions of life itself. As the world recognizes the multifaceted nature of social injustices, moving away from the consequentialist approach to defining environmental justice . #davisca #sustainability #Electrification Lots of great info and ideas to up your game! The Nile emerges as a wellspring of knowledge, the history of human evolution, and development in the region through its flowing waters. Environmental justice offers stories of non-naive, radical hope with which to face and mitigate that suffering. #fridaysforfuture #climatestrike This isa hard-hitting and inspiring meditation on restorative environmental justice and radical hope in this moment when we need them most.David Naguib Pellow, Dehlsen Chair of Environmental Studies, University of California,Santa Barbaraand author of, American Studies Now: Critical Histories of the Present, Ralph and Shirley Shapiro Endowment Fund in Environmental Studies, #WHA2020: New and Notable in Western History, White Power and American Neoliberal Culture. It is precisely now that imagination and action become essential, Sze argues in the books introduction (Sze, 1). Environmental justice movements fight, survive, love, and create in the face of violence that challenges the conditions of life itself. Different chapters in the book discuss important environmental cases, like indigenous land rights in Standing Rock; the Flint, Michigan water contamination case, Hurricane Katrina, as well as key concepts like climate change denial, police violence, just transition, radical democracy, whiteness, skepticism, and optimism. They explain the complexity of the environmental justice movement in the United States. Environmental Justice in a Moment of Danger examines mobilizations and movements, from protests at Standing Rock to activism in Puerto Rico in the wake of Hurricane Maria. Restoring Environmental Justice Conclusion. Serena has a long history of human rights activism from marching with Cesar Chavez to advocating for youth and survivors of sexual assault. It is precisely now that imagination and action become essential, Sze argues in the books introduction (Sze, 1). Environmental justice offers stories of non-naive, radical hope with which to face and mitigate that suffering. Please send all micro-reviews to Larry Susskind ([email protected]). The IUCN Academy of Environmental Law Series, Ecopolitical Homelessness: Defining Place in an Unsettled World, Governing Transboundary Waters: Canada, the United States, and Indigenous Communities, GLOBAL ECOLOGIES AND THE ENVIRONMENTAL HUMANITIES, THE FRAGMENTATION OF GLOBAL CLIMATE GOVERNANCE, ARCTIC MARINE GOVERNANCE: OPPORTUNITIES FOR TRANSATLANTIC COOPERATION, HOW CLIMATE CHANGE COMES TO MATTER: THE COMMUNAL FACTS OF LIFE, GOVERNING THE NILE RIVER BASIN: THE SEARCH FOR A NEW LEGAL REGIME, HOW CULTURE SHAPES THE CLIMATE CHANGE DEBATE, CHEAPONOMICS: THE HIGH COST OF LOW PRICES, GREENING BERLIN: THE CO-PRODUCTION OF SCIENCE, POLITICS AND URBAN NATURE, DISASTER, CONFLICT AND SOCIETY IN CRISES: EVERYDAY POLITICS OF CRISIS RESPONSE, MANAGING ADAPTATION TO CLIMATE RISK: BEYOND FRAGMENTED RESPONSES, WATER AS A CATALYST FOR PEACE: TRANSBOUNDARY WATER MANAGEMENT AND CONFLICT RESOLUTION, MEGACITIES AND THE COAST: RISK, RESILIENCE AND TRANSFORMATION, SCARCITY: THE TRUE COST OF NOT HAVING ENOUGH, THE ANTHROPOLOGY OF CLIMATE CHANGE: AN HISTORICAL READER, THE FUTURE IS NOT WHAT IT USED TO BE: CLIMATE CHANGE AND ENERGY SECURITY, RIVER REPUBLIC: THE FALL AND RISE OF AMERICA'S RIVERS, CLIMATE CHANGE ADAPTATION IN PRACTICE: FROM STRATEGY DEVELOPMENT TO IMPLEMENTATION, MANAGING OCEAN ENVIRONMENTS IN A CHANGING CLIMATE: SUSTAINABILITY AND ECONOMIC PERSPECTIVES, ENVIRONMENTAL ECONOMICS: AN INTRODUCTION by Barry C. Field and Martha K. Field, WATER - ITS CONTROL AND COMBINATION: MULTIFUNCTIONALITY AND FLOOD DEFENCE by Monica Altamirano, Rik Jonker, and Jurgen van der Heijden, EXTRACTED: HOW THE QUEST FOR MINERAL WEALTH IS PLUNDERING THE PLANET by Ugo Bardi, ECOLOGICAL RESTORATION: PRINCIPLES, VALUES AND STRUCTURE OF AN EMERGING PROFESSION by Andrew F. Clewell and James Aronson, ECOLOGICAL ECONOMICS FROM THE GROUND UP edited by Hali Healey, Joan Martinez, Leah Temper, Mariana Walter and Julien-Francois Gerber NATURES WEALTH: THE ECONOMICS OF ECOSYSTEM SERVICES AND POVERTY edited by Pieter van Beukering, Elissaios Papyrakis, Jetske Bouma and Roy Brouwer, SUSTAINABILITY SCIENCE by Bert J. M. de Vries, BANKRUPTING NATURE: DENYING OUR PLANETARY BOUNDARIES by Anders Wijkman and Johan Rockstrom, BUILDING RESILIENCE: SOCIAL CAPITAL IN POST-DISASTER RECOVERY by Daniel P. Aldrich, RESTORING LANDS: COORDINATING SCIENCE; POLITICS, AND ACTION, edited by Herman Karl, Lynn Scarlett, Juan Carlos Vargas-Moreno, and Michael Flaxman, THE BET: PAUL EHRLICH, JULIAN SIMON, AND OUR GAMBLE OVER EARTHS FUTURE, by Paul Sabin, WATER AND THE CITY: RISK, RESILIENCE AND PLANNING FOR A SUSTAINABLE FUTURE, by Iain White, A JOURNEY IN THE FUTURE OF WATER, by Terje Tvedt (translation by Richard Daly), SECRETS OF THE ICE: ANTARCTICA'S CLUES TO CLIMATE, THE UNIVERSE AND THE LIMITS OF LIFE, by Veronika Meduna, STATE OF THE WORLD 2013: IS SUSTAINABILITY STILL POSSIBLE?, by The Worldwatch Institute, WATER SECURITY: PRINCIPLES, PERSPECTIVES AND PRACTICES, Edited by Bruce Lankford, Karen Bakker, Mark Zeitoun and Declan Conway, WHAT HAS NATURE EVER DONE FOR US? Environmental Justice in a Moment of Danger examines mobilizations and movements, from protests at Standing Rock to Puerto Rico in the wake of Hurricane Maria. These cookies do not store any personal information. Listen to the individual posts on our site here, or subscribe at iTunes, Soundcloud, or Google Play! But if his interests thus bore some external similarity to those of the ethnographer or historian, his ultimate purpose went well beyond the reconstruction of an archaic culture for its own sake; on the contrary, as in The Division of What does this moment of danger mean for the Flat-rate shipping, so one low price ships as much as you want in each order! Follow At Standing Rock, #NoDAPL wasnt a failure because the pipeline was built; it still did important work, politically and culturally. In the United States and in the world, environmental injustices have manifested across racial and class divides in devastatingly disproportionate ways. If we feel your review needs additional work, or if we have editorial suggestions, we will be in touch with you before making any revisions. The book challenges traditional approaches to environmental justice that focus solely on the distribution of impacts, ignoring the processes and circumstances that result in such maldistribution. When an attendee asked for resources for those who want to get involved, Sze mentioned thatclimate justice groups she really admires are supporting a Peoples Green New Deal. My intention, she writes, is to offer a starting point for those interested in particular struggles and to link these together as they have been linked by activists themselves, to spark imagination and hope (Sze, 23). The author mentions the spread of colonial legacy through the lives of American Samoans, and all indegenous people interacting with the western form of governance. (315) 371-3544 downstairs Our first Book Chat of 2021 featured Professor Julie Sze, who spoke about her recent book, Environmental Justice in a Moment of Danger (University of California Press, 2020) on February 10, 2021. Thats why, for me, she explained, environmental justice movements have to be reappraised for what they can offer in this moment we are in now. Sze further noted, I think now more than ever theres a sense that problems are interconnected. Between the emergencies of the COVID-19 pandemic, racial justice movements like Black Lives Matter re-galvanized by the murder of George Floyd last summer, and the wildfires in the Western United States last fall, people have been increasingly recognizing to a vast degree the interconnectedness of struggles across themes, fields, and experiences. Anthem Environment and Sustainability Initiative, Brought to you by the Anthem Environment and Sustainability Initiative, Anthem Environment and Sustainability Initiative (AESI), Cities, Climate Change, and Public Health: Building Human Resilience to Climate Change at the Local Level, Environmental Justice in a Moment of Danger, Science on a Mission: How Military Funding Shaped What We Do and Dont Know about the Ocean, Ocean Outbreak: Confronting the Rising Tide of Marine Disease, Environmental Problem-Solving: Balancing Science and Politics Using Consensus Building Tools; Guided Readings and Assignments from MITs Training Program for Environmental Professionals, Giving Future Generations a Voice: Normative Frameworks, Institutions and Practice, The Science and Politics of Global Climate Change: A Guide to the Debate, 3rd Edition, This Land Is My Land: Rebellion in the West, Science Advice and Global Environmental Governance: Expert Institutions and the Implementation of International Environmental Treaties, Sustainability Made Simple: Small Changes for Big Impact, Titans of the Climate: Explaining Policy Processes in the United States and China, Enviro News and Views: The 8 Most Interesting Environmental and Sustainability Conversations from the Past Month, Enviro News and Views: The 8 most interesting environmental and sustainability conversations from the past month, Socially-Responsible Real Estate Development (Part I), Big Data, Urban Science and the Search for New Ways of Improving Life in the City, A Better Planet: 40 Big Ideas for a Sustainable Future, Complexity of Transboundary Water Conflicts: Enabling Conditions for Negotiating Contingent Resolutions, Conflict and Sustainability in a Changing Environment: Through the Eyes of Communities, Overcoming the Not-In-My-Backyard (NIMBY) Syndrome, The Effects of Climate Change Are All Local: Here's What You Can Do to Help Manage the Risks, Short Circuiting Policy: Interest Groups and the Battle over Clean Energy and Climate Policy in the American States, Carbon Captured: How Business and Labor Control Climate Politics, Subnational Hydropolitics: Conflict, Cooperation, and Institution-Building in Shared River Basins, Water Futures of India: Status of Science and Technology, Renewable Energy: A Primer for the Twenty-First Century, Climate Change and Ocean Governance: Politics and Policy for Threatened Seas, Managing Coral Reefs: An Ecological and Institutional Analysis of Ecosystem Services in Southeast Asia, Abundant Earth: Towards an Ecological Civilization, Environmental Governance through Partnerships: A Discourse Theoretical Study, The Republican Reversal: Conservatives and the Environment from Nixon to Trump, Climate Engineering and the Law: Regulation and Liability for Solar Radiation Management and Carbon Dioxide Removal, Loving Water across Religions: Contributions to an Integral Water Ethic, The Fragmentation of Global Climate Governance: Consequences and Management of Regime Interactions, The Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam and the Nile Basin, The Shale Dilemma: A Global Perspective on Fracking and Shale Development, Virtuous Waters: Mineral Springs, Bathing, and Infrastructure in Mexico, Water: Abundance, Scarcity and Security in the Age of Humanity, Water Governance and Collective Action: Multi-scale Challenges, Governance for Urban Sustainability and Resilience, Rethinking Private Authority: Agents and Entrepreneurs in Global Environmental Governance, Environmental Policy and Governance in China, Water: Abundance, Scarcity, and Security in the Age of Humanity, The Privatisation of Biodiversity? Environmental Justice in a Moment of Danger examines mobilizations and movements, from protests at Standing Rock to activism in Puerto Rico in the wake of Hurricane Maria. TITLE Her work examines the intersection of climate change with racism, class exploitation, indigenous struggles for land, and privatization, interwoven with threads to create an inspirational . 160 PUBLICATION DATE January 2020 Julie Sze is Professor of American Studies and Founding Director of the Environmental Justice Project at the University of California, Davis. We must act now with great urgency., This event is hosted by the Episcopal Church of St. Martin. Reading Got a Lot Harder, Unfair Nation by (In)equality Fellow, Ehsan Zaffar. January 2020. This podcast is sponsored by Price Video Services and USC Bedrosian Center, and continues our ongoing efforts to bring policy and its impact into the public discourse. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. )of similarly-polluted water in the San Joaquin Valley, environmental justice offers a route toward better living conditions for many humans and nonhumans. It gives us closure. During the Book Chat, Sze emphasized that she thinks environmental justice movements are important to look at in this regard, as they have challenged the idea that movements are separate. Through the COVID-19 pandemic, we are seeing the results of persistent injustices, as the virus affecting marginalized communities harder, with more dire consequences. Environmental Justice in a Moment of Danger examines mobilizations and movements, from protests at Standing Rock to activism in Puerto Rico in the wake of Hurricane Maria. Social justice, tech, politics, policy we cover it all and more. It also gives credit to all the activists who acted as the people's voice when they were in dire need. University of California Press (Jan 7, 2020) We spoke about an intriguing new book by UCDavis Prof. Julie Sze. HOW MONEY REALLY DOES GROW ON TREES, by Tony Juniper, WHAT WE KNOW ABOUT CLIMATE CHANGE, by Kerry Emanuel, GOOD GREEN JOBS IN A GLOBAL ECONOMY: MAKING AND KEEPING NEW INDUSTRIES IN THE UNITED STATES, by David J. Hess, COOPERATION IN THE LAW OF TRANSBOUNDARY WATER RESOURCES, by Christina Leb, CLIMATE CHANGE GEOENGINEERING: PHILOSOPHICAL PERSPECTIVES, LEGAL ISSUES, GOVERNANCE FRAMEWORKS, edited by Wil C. G. Burns and Andrew L. Strauss, SUCCESSFUL ADAPTATION TO CLIMATE CHANGE: LINKING SCIENCE AND PRACTICE IN A RAPIDLY CHANGING WORLD, Edited by Susanne Moser and Maxwell Boykoff, THE ROLE OF PLACE IDENTITY IN THE PERCEPTION, UNDERSTANDING, AND DESIGN OF BUILT ENVIRONMENTS, Edited by Hernan Casakin and Ftima Bernardo. www.cooldavis.org/civicrm/mailing/view/?id=1270, Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. What can they teach us. Julie Szes clear and authoritative Environmental Justice in a Moment of Danger discusses the history and philosophy poverty, and environmental inequity are linked in a toxic brew. environmental justice gives us is a sense of urgency, but also a way out of the urgency through solidarity. Instead of despairing and falling into nihilism, people confronting the suffering of the multiple and often overlapping crises of the twenty-first century and the legacies it encompasses can practice solidarity and effect tangible change. On September 23, 2020 at 7:00pm, UC Davis professor Julie Sze will present a timely lecture on her book, Environmental Justice in a Moment of Danger.. Theme: Insider Trading JPEGs . Author/Creator: Sze, Julie. We want to get at theheart of what it means to be a community member in America. According to Pamela Dolan, Rector of St. Martins, it is almost a clich for Christians to talk about loving our neighbors. See MoreSee Less, cooldaviscity Submit RFP. The culture of social movements matters too; and cultural production. Environmental Justice in a Moment of Danger examines mobilizations and movements, from protests at Standing Rock to activism in Puerto Rico in the wake of Hurricane Maria. And the catalyst for this book, specifically, is that I think some of the foundational ideas of environmental justice movementsespecially the idea that things are connected, that environmental and social injustices are relatedthose connective tissues are even more salient now than ever before and theyre more obvious to more people.