You raised the bar too high! Let them know how much you are going to miss them. Even though I'll miss my colleagues and this wonderful company, I'm looking forward to this new role and to starting a new phase of my career. Here are samples of what do you day when a coworker is leaving. Thank you again for a terrific 10 years. I don't have that kind of money, but I can bribe you with brownies, my delightful smile, jokes, and my friendship. We learnt a lot from you. I can't wait to hear that you have been crowned as the "gossip queen" at the workplace. 10) Good luck with future endeavors. 44. So hopefully whoever replaces me will be rubbish *cough* I mean just as productive and efficient as I ever was. "You decided to move to greener pastures, but your departure will leave our grounds barren and dry. You're definitely one of those people for me. Good luck and farewell! - You are the best boss ever! Farewell Quotes for Colleague - Advertisement - 1. I'll never forget you. 6) Monthly targets and performance appraisals will come and go, but the memories of working with a colleague like you will stay in my forever. I wish you the best of luck and continued success wherever you may find yourself. Vantage Circle. Adieu email to the security guard, cleaner or receptionist who made your day. Goodbye to my coworking buddy. So we won't say "goodbye". The memories we shared will always be treasured. Good luck to you Tiffany on your new job! Farewell Messages for Colleagues Happy farewell dear colleague! - Wendy Wunder. Working here was a simple walk in the park. Keep these tips in mind as you write: 1. Farewell seniors and do keep in touch. We are surely going to miss you out here. We wish you boundless success wherever you go! Your appreciation and thank you messages are just a small part of the act. Goodbye, mate! You must have included gossiping as one of your hobbies on your CV to land you a new job. Hope we retain the friendship even after you have moved on. The Arena Media Brands, LLC and respective content providers to this website may receive compensation for some links to products and services on this website. Goodbye, my friend! If you're management, remember that farewell letters make an excellent human resource investment because they improve morale. We know that the new awesome salary is only the starting of a new journey. Farewell, friend! Thanks for the motivation and for the on-the-job training I have received from you! 16. We will miss you. Thank you again for everything you did for the company and me! Take the below tips as a guide when writing your own letter: I write to let you all know that today is my last day working with you at [insert company name]. "I'm sad to see you leave but happy that you're following your dream. You have been a great career mentor and one that has willingly helped many to rise. So scroll down and pick the one that resonates the best with you. Include coworker get well message if they are leaving due to a medical concern. Thank you for the good times and sweet memories that we shared together. Dont hide the awesome person that we know you are. Here are several examples of farewell messages that you can send to say goodbye to a particular coworker when you're leaving your position: "I enjoyed getting to know you and working together over the past few years. I am seriously going to miss you here. Farewell email to your team or those you supervise, 7. On the one hand, I'm very sad to leave this amazing company. 12) It has been a pleasure working with you over the last few years. Goodbye. In addition, we've created farewell colleague messages specifically for coworkers and employees who will be missed, so you can choose the one that best suits your relationship with them. Good luck! Lets be in touch always! Time your farewell messages correctly. "Thank you for all your hard work over many years; it has helped make this company successful." "You will be missed!" "All the best in finding new opportunities elsewherewe will all miss you!" "This is not goodbye, just farewell for now! Goodbye! You were an integral part of our team and always did an impeccable job. Thank you for the good times and sweet memories that we shared together. 49. 82. 4. It also helps to strengthen your relationship with them and potentially reunite with them in the future. Before signing a card for your coworker or employee, you'll want to take a look at our list of the ten best farewell messages to find some inspiration. Barrie. The most difficult and trying part of you leaving will be adjusting to a new boss who likely won't be half the leader that you are. You've become a great friend over the past years, and the best colleague I've ever had. 2. Thanks for being my mentor, confidante, and a true friend. It's so sad to hear that you're leaving. My plans are X and you should know that youve played a role in getting me there. You never know who you might hurt or who may come in useful. You will be missed but we know that you have great things ahead of you. It should go without saying that you dont drive away clients that you worked hard to secure for your company in the first place. Your work here made a difference and will be remembered. We hope you find such a wonderful group at your next job. Your ideas are far too good to let it go to waste. Farewell, mate! Thanks for being the best colleagues all my days in this company, I'll forever cherish the moments we shared. "Goodbye may seem forever. Farewell, my friend. Wish you all the best for your future! The sweet memories of working with a coworker like you will be hard to forget. Hope you keep doing your good work in your next job as well. Every once in a while, you meet a person that you instantly click with. Clearly, the reason that I'm leaving is so that I don't hinder the chances of those who are due for a promotion. Goodbye, and best of luck in your new endeavor! 1. I'd love to stay in contact with you. Your presence always made the work day fly by faster. However, beyond this, keep it short and to the point. You were an asset to the whole department. This letter should be sent on or before the last day in the office and after you've completed all the tasks on your desk. It has been a great pleasure working and learning from you. -You have to meet me soon and don't forget this employee. 5k+ Downloads You know you should send a goodbye email to your coworkers, but condensing your time at the company into a few wise words feels insurmountable. Enjoy your new position! Farewell. Wishing you all the best for the future!' 'Congratulations on a job well done! We would like to thank you for helping us achieve our milestones and make us a better organization. Now that you've decided to leave the company, the rest of us won't have to pretend to work so hard! Goodbye, mate! "I'll miss your towering presence, constant support, and inspiring words. While both of you are left with memories, you can turn it into a bittersweet occasion by sending them off with a going away gift to help them remember how missed they are and will always be. We have a short life and we need to make it worthy. Here are my details: [email X,LinkedIn X]. I wish you all the success for the future and I know you will rock in that new position. SEE ALSO: 12 Birth Announcement Ideas | Cards and Wording Ideas Included. This one's important as you always forget putting one or two people on your list. 15. Here are some messages you can send to a co-worker that's leaving your company: "Working with you has been great! But what is more important that you will always have a special place in our hearts forever. You have imprinted your footprints on our hearts forever. 11. It has been an honor to work with you. Your positive spirit is contagious to your people. You have to find the right tone, meaning, and intention behind it. Please keep in touch: I can be reached at my personal email address ([email protected]), on LinkedIn (, or my cell phone (555-555-2222). When you're leaving your job, take the time to send a farewell email or letter to the colleagues you have worked with. I will remember your wisdom, guidance, and memories that we shared. I hope you will get all the success one day. Best of luck for new life and farewell! We will surely miss you. When you're leaving your job, sending a farewell letter is an appropriate thing to do. Farewell to the colleague who made every day seem like a treat. You will be missed, awesome messages and sample letters. We bid you farewell! You've been a great member of our team and we've enjoyed working with you. Thank you for making the workplace a fun place to be. Reconsider staying! Thank you for all the guidance, mentorship and professional support during all the projects. I am thankful to you for your support. You will always be a part of this team. Also, your tone should differ depending on your organisation. As they say, all good things must come to an end. Have a memorable send-off for a departing colleague with our free farewell card templates. Saying goodbye to awesome colleagues is hard and difficult. It's been a pleasure working with you, and while we hate to say farewell, we know that you're moving forward to a new office, a new endeavor, and a new chapter in your life. Happy Farewell! But the fun memories of us in the office will never diminish. With a heavy heart, we bid you farewell! Lastly, a farewell message represents how you feel about your colleagues. Thank you. 2. I wish for nothing but success and fulfillment in your new position. Happy Farewell! "You have brains in your head. Thanking coworkers before leaving is also a common custom worth considering. Goodbye, and please keep in touch. For example, you can find a goodbye card for your coworker or employee and even write your own message inside. 67. 6 templates for goodbye emails when leaving a job Goodbye message to coworkers: close friends and other coworkers example. Im excited, but unsurprisingly sad to leave my colleagues behind. Thanks for being with the company through its ups and downs. Write that number down. Here are some samples of text that can be added to your farewell card messages: A good boss is difficult to find, and harder to let go. Keep on working hard. While you might no longer work here, let's keep working on our friendship. - You became a part of my life, I will miss you and take all your pieces of advice with me. To my work bestie, I'll miss you. I know the next phase of your life will be full of growth and opportunity. 29. Carolyn . Good luck as you take on this new challenge!" 27 "You've brought greatness with you into our midst. Thank you for helping me in my tough work. 1. That line worked for the von Trapp children in The Sound of Music, so I thought I would borrow it to say goodbye to you, my fellows at La Compania. We still cannot believe that you will be leaving us. I have so enjoyed working here these past 10 years. Getting to work with such a talented coworker was one of the highlights of this job. Write a precise farewell message, no more than a few paragraphs. I'll miss you all, and trust me, I'll always have you in my thoughts. 43. I've really enjoyed working with you. We would be delighted to include your suggestions on this list. You've been an integral part of our team and I know that you'll do great things in your next role. Well miss you! When a colleague finds a new job, you don't want to delay wishing them well. Goodbye email to your team manager(s) with whom you've worked closely, 3. 13) So you're on to your new adventure! The only thing I'll miss about you is the latest gossip involving what's going on in the office. In spite of all, we will miss seeing your annoying face every day. I remember when the company's success was plummeting, I was part of the team that was commissioned by the board to find a lasting solution to the challenges the company was facing at that difficult time. Additionally, it might settle any misunderstandings between you and your colleagues before they depart. You'll be missed. Still cant believe youre going. I will miss you and think of you. Thesegoing away sayings for coworkers orgoodbye quotes for coworkers can help to empower yourfarewell greetings. Dear Colleagues: It is with great regret that I must inform you that in two weeks' time I am resigning from the position of Art Department Director. You know wed want you to love to stay here but still, farewell! Write a resignation letter, just as you would if you gave two weeks notice and include the date of your last day of work. I have never come across someone so intelligent and smart like you during my job life. Good luck! We won't miss you at all. 3. I'm lucky to have worked with you, and I'll miss you. This must be done professionally and concisely as they likely have no time to spare between meeting the Queen and shaking hands with the Pope. Id like to thank you for everything youve done for me here, youve made this job so enjoyable. Not only have I enjoyed working with you, but I have also gained a lot of experience and now know how a well-functioning department should be run. Thank you and all the best! Best of luck!' I pray for you to find more opportunities, success, and good luck along the way of your dreams. It is one of those emotional moments in an organization where you have to bid adieu to your favorite person. I want to hunt down the head hunter who hunted you and tell him that he has managed the best ever hunt. 10. I am lucky that we worked together. You can definitely look forward to new opportunities on the path ahead. Vantage Circle. Im sure Ill see you before I leave, but if not, my last day is [Date X] [include plans such as leaving drinks]. 84. July 31, 2022. Without your friendship, support and collaboration, my time here would not have been the same. You always did a great job here in the organization. You can send this email after you've given formal notice and submitted a resignation letter to your employer as you prepare to leave. My best wishes to you for your new chapter of life. I'm sad that I have to say goodbye to one of the best coworkers that I've ever known. Thanks to you, I've gotten this amazing new opportunity. We have learned a lot from you and we will look for you behind the moon. Sample 1 - Touching Farewell Letter To Colleagues. 53. 20. Simply Noteds system is easy to use, have a nice handwriting style selection and very responsive and helpful team. 13. I am lucky that we worked together. Good luck on your new journey. Best goodbye messages to Colleagues - Before I leave, I would like to take this opportunity for thanking you, as you made my life easier and more efficient. I will miss my colleague and best friend, but the sweet memories we shared together will stay in my heart forever. 36. Farewell and good luck, sir! Thanks again for everything. Farewell, boss! See you soon! 12. "The two hardest things to say in life is hello for the first time and goodbye for the last." - Moira Rogers 2. All the best buddy! The letter can be as formal or as informal as you like. and retains your top employees. Simply Noted has the perfect farewell card for your coworker or employee, so be sure to browse our selection today. Send your email a day or two before you leave Farewell to the colleague who is most definitely going to be the gossip bringer in his new workplace too. Great, many thanks. Whether you send individual or group goodbyes, you can follow the same basic template. During my 10+ years as a full-time staff member here, I've worked in three different departments. With your resignation, your employment in this company may finish. Our cookies are used to give you the best experience. It's about learning how to dance in the rain. You're an excellent employee and I know you'll do great things in your next role. Sometimes you realize the value of a person when you bid farewell to them. Im writing to you today because Im leaving my position of [job title] at [Company X] after [X years/months]. May this goodbye be only momentary. I never thought that a day like this would come when I would have to bid farewell to you. Keep it concise: A couple of paragraphs is sufficient. Example messages to wish a colleague farewell Here are some example statements you can use when a coworker is leaving your company: 'Congratulations on your new role. 6. 6) I will never forget all of the great memories that we shared together. Wishing you all the best for your future. Remember to show your intention of keeping them in your network. I'm sad to see you go, but you really deserve this. Farewell email to people you don't really know, 9. Great leaders make a change wherever they go. I'm sure you'll make a wonderful colleague for your new coworkers. You can reach me at my email address ([email protected]) or at 555-555-5555. Be in touch always. Im moving on to [Plan X]. 41. I wanted to take a moment to let you know that I am leaving my position at ABC Corporation. I hope the next place that you work will rival the joy that you've had working here. Never stop looking for new opportunities and better work. Attract, retain and engage your workforce. On the outside, I may be smiling while I wish you farewell. You contributed a lot to our company, and we're going to miss that knowledge! It has been a pleasure to work with you. I'll miss the laughs but maybe now I can actually get some work done! Let me know how things go over there. So once again, thank you. Also remember that it's okay to include your personal email address if you'd like to try and stay in contact with your coworker. A letter has a much more personal and thoughtful feel. If you're unsure of what to say in your farewell message, our templates and cards can help. My personal contacts are: Email ( [email protected]) Contact phone number (123 456 7890). And may the coming day bring you all the success both personally and professionally. This is also the best way for you to share your contact information. I have enjoyed working for this company and I appreciate having had this wonderful opport Continue Reading Sponsored by BeenVerified How do I search for someone's phone number? While it pains me to bid you farewell as you start a new phase of your career, I sincerely wish you continued success in all your future endeavours. Thank you for the good memories that we shared together! Let's be in touch always! I hope your new colleagues appreciate the skills that youre going to bring to the table as much as we do. Are you going away because of the layoff notice you heard will be out soon? As you know, I am regretfully leaving [Company X] on [date X]. It will be fun to watch you scramble to complete your monthly targets and performance appraisal goals without me to help you out. "Opportunities don't happen; you create them." Good luck in your future endeavors! Good luck and farewell. We are definitely worried about how the performance of our team will decrease when a colleague and an employee like you leaves. I'm seriously going to miss you herebest of luck in your new endeavor. You are the best troublemaker this team ever had and it would be a pity to let you go. Your memories will keep you alive. However, if it was an immediate departure or you won't get a chance to see them in person before they leave, you can also send a farewell message after they've left to show how much you and your team care. Thanks a lot. SEE ALSO: 15 Ways To Say, "Thank You For Your Hospitality". Start With a Sample Letter. A last working day email for peers and coworkers, 2. See you soon! Your support and encouragement during the difficult and the good times were inseparable. I want to make clear my gratitude for being able to get to know you both professionally and personally over the past [X years/months]. A farewell message to a colleague shows that you care about them andappreciate their time at your company, especially since it's possible they might run into each other again in the future. Farewell is like the end, but in my heart is the memory and there you will always be.". 86. Only send letters to people you have worked with. 25 farewell messages to coworker who will work for another company 26 "Your time with us has ended much too quickly. Personalize Your Message. You leaving is the absolute worst. Goodbye! Ill remember this company fondly, and all past collaborations Ive had with you. Okay, let's see who is going to miss what. You might be getting an awesome salary in your new job but youll never get as awesome colleagues like us. Even though I will miss my colleagues and the company, I am looking forward to this new challenge and to starting a new phase of my career. Your strategic thinking and decision making skills have enabled us to excel in our targets and performance appraisals. I have a lot of mixed feelings about writing to you all today. Thanks a lot for your help. Check out our curated list of farewell quotes and goodbye quotes for someone you love. Your contributions to this organization have been immense and tremendous. "Never say goodbye because goodbye means going away and going away means forgetting." J.M. Treat your employee's departure with the same remove you might any official correspondence. Working in this office without you will be so boring. Farewell! The kindness you showed me, a new hire, from my first day will forever stay in my heart. Your ambition scares me sometimes but I know you will go on to have a phenomenal career. You will always be welcomed in this place. However, they are still your superior and can provide vital character references and connections in years to come, so your parting note should remind them of your professional prowess rather than your close-and-personal pal-ness. 2 Short, Sweet and emotional goodbye messages to a colleague for the maternity leave. You are the best colleague I have ever met. So be sure tobrowse our selection today! 23. Just remember not to do something stupid that will make you end up back herelike what we did at the last Christmas party. May you get sent back from the new job, back to us. These people may be awful bores, or sweethearts who pass under the radar. You were one of the best colleagues I had and thank you for being by my side during those hectic days. We wish you all the best in your new venture.". And I hope we can all keep in touch from time to time. Goodbye, colleague! 70. Your infectious energy will be greatly missed by all of us. Composing a goodbye or farewell email to your colleagues on your last day in the office can be a daunting task. Again, the goal of the letter is to stay connected with your former co-workers; you do not want to leave a bad impression. - Channing Pollock, Dreams don't have deadlines. Farewell, boss, and I hope to see you again soon. Saying Goodbye To Coworkers. 15) Best wishes on this and all your future endeavors. Wishing you the best in this next phase of your career. HubPages is a registered trademark of The Arena Platform, Inc. Other product and company names shown may be trademarks of their respective owners. It didn't take long for me to see you as my friend, rather than my colleague. When you care about someone, the idea of a final farewell weighs heavy on the heart. However, if you cant provide the standard notice, inform your manager as soon as possible. However, it can be challenging to know what to say in your farewell message. Please, keep uploading. Goodbye and all the best! Heres a batch of readymade templates to help you boss the work farewell email. I will miss working with you all. Bye, and keep in touch! Our formidable partnership is coming to an end (in the office at least). Goodbye, my good colleagues. A departing coworker would love to hear that you enjoyed working with them. 69. Today marks the end of our torment of being annoyed by your bad jokes and annoying chatter. 8 Tips for Writing a Farewell Message to Coworkers Express gratitude. I've learned a lot working with you these past years. - Theodore Rosevelt, No matter how small and unimportant what we are doing may seem, if we do it well, it may soon become the step that will lead us to better things. However, another job opportunity has come up that I simply can't afford to have passed me by. Best of luck! Good luck with your new job! When leaving a job, you may want to send a farewell email to your colleagues. - Tom Peters, Great leaders don't set out to be a leader . You might also express how much youve enjoyed working with your colleagues. If your work here is of any indication, we know well go on to do great things in your new organization as well. You can consider writing a generic farewell message that you use with everyone.