If Ticket.AccountID is updated then Ticket.AccountPhysicalLocation must have AccountID = Ticket.AccountID. This object describes a payment amount applied to the purchase of (or pre-payment for) one or more Service Desk Tickets through a Per Ticket Contract. How to follow the signal when reading the schematic? Instructions Navigate to Account > Integrations and create a new integration by using the Autotask option. All fields are read-only. This resource describes contract billing rules that generate charges which allow you to bill your customer by the end user or by the asset. How can I explain to my manager that a project he wishes to undertake cannot be performed by the team? This entity describes notes created by an Autotask user and associated with a Product entity. Select OK to apply; Setup Extension Callout. These notifications will include notifications for lack of Company or Configuration Item mapping. If you have not clicked the Get current Status link, it will be the date and time you opened the page. This entity describes a ticket category applied to tickets in Autotask to specify features and fields that appear on the ticket detail. This entity's purpose is to describe a Resource - Role - Queue relationship. ExpenseItem.AccountID is updated and ExpenseItem.ProjectID, ExpenseItem.TaskID, or ExpenseItem.TicketID is set to Null. Tasks are associated with a Project and define work that must be done. If a law is new but its interpretation is vague, can the courts directly ask the drafters the intent and official interpretation of their law? Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. For example, when updating an entity, you may not be able to update all fields within the entity. [CDATA[*/ This entity contains the attachments for the ContractNotes entity. This entity records existing associations between tags and Knowledgebase articles in Autotask. Click New; Tip - click the images to make them larger Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. About note types. Thanks for your feedback. While this is not possible in the UI, in the API, you can create tickets with a ticket category of 'API.'. Step 1: Creating an API User and Getting API Keys from Autotask (REST API) Why are we doing this? Service calls are instances of time, with specified start and stop times, that are scheduled to perform work for a Company. This entity describes an Autotask Product with an association to an Inventory location in the Autotask Inventory module. This entity describes an Autotask Ticket. This entity describes an Autotask service call and its relationship to four other service call related entities. } This entity's purpose is to describe a predecessor/successor arrangement between two project schedule items. The function of this entity is to describe the mapping of the Asset (Configuration Item) to the contract billing rule. Access to version 1.6 will deactivate in Q4 2024. UDF changes are included in the criteria for updating LastTrackedModificationDate. var uri = 'https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdw1y-_z7_O1tSWNFkiDliribqAz5IrqAiJJ6u2KsbEvICTqw/viewform?usp=pp_url&entry.876121135=' + document.location.href; It is only available through the REST API. This entity represents time off requests submitted by Autotaskusers. It determines a customer's total taxes on billing items. The Modules entity surfaces the availability and active status of modules (such as the Procurement module and the Inventory module)in Autotask. The function of this entity is to describe the mapping of the contact to the contract billing rule. Be aware that some field data, such as picklist values and user-defined fields, may vary between Autotask implementations and cannot be provided in this document. If you set the status of selected tickets to Complete, and one or more tickets have incomplete to-dos, a confirmation message will ask if you want to complete associated to-dos. This object describes notes created by an Autotask user and associated to a Project entity. Edit: oh and for the REST API, the ID field isn't needed, just so you are aware. RESTAPIsupportability and query thresholds, Using Swagger UIto explore REST API requests. Each entity type object contains an array of properties that describe instances of the entity type. This entity contains attachments for Knowledgebase articles in Autotask. An API user is a special type of account required for communication with the Autotask API. Autotask Resources are employees, contractors, or consultants with access to a company's Autotask system. Form templates follow the limitations of the currently applied category and the user's security settings. } Incidents on Change Request tickets will not be updated. Entity details You can also retrieve this information with the Web Services API call The getEntityInfo () SOAP API call. NOTE If the APIuser does not have the Contracts impersonation option enabled, it will be unable to specify custom values for the AttachedByContactIDand the CreatedByContactIDfields. On update(), InstalledProduct.ID cannot be updated to an InstalledProduct where InstalledProduct.AccountID Ticket.AccountID. A resource must have at least one role assignment. This entity describes an Autotask Service Bundle added to a Recurring Service contract. The id field belongs to each entity and acts as the unique identifier. Is there any way for you to see what the response from Autotask is? Resources receive assignment to one or more roles through their department and queue associations. Zapier's automation tools make it easy to connect Autotask and Microsoft Excel. This entity describes one or more Autotask Assets (previously known as Configuration Items) assigned to a Ticket beyond the primary asset(ticket.configurationItemID). The function of this entity is to describe the approval status of a project, ticket, or contract purchase cost created in Autotask. Refer to Finding resource and child access URLs of REST API entities to learn how to locate these paths. Saves the note or time entry and opens a new dialog box. Refer to The Rich Text editor to learn more. Notes can be searched and viewed from one place using the Global Notes Search, accessed from > Home >Search > Global Notes Search or > Reports > Other >General. If you edit a note or time entry that is associated with existing attachments, they appear in a separate Attachments section. Also create Note/Attachment on # incident(s) (tickets only). On the incidents, the Internal Notes are created as a reply to the Summary Notes. It mirrors the fields found on the. IMPORTANT When this feature is released, we will change the Publish settings of ticket and task notes and attachments to Internal &Co-managed for all tickets and tasks where the Co-managed Visibility is set to Visible. /*]]>*/Want to tell us more? This entity represents aliases for ticket and article tags in Autotask. This object describes Autotask Assets (previously known as Configuration Items), other than the primary Assets (Ticket.configurationItemID). Everything else looks correct! Assets are Products with an association to a Company entity. It allows you to configure tiered or volume pricing for the billing product. IMPORTANT Except in the case of certain entities, when the APIreceives a request to update a field that contains Rich Text, the APIwill update the text-only version of the field and overwrite the data in the Rich Text field with plain text. Once you have connected Powershell to Autotask (see my previous post for a howto), you can query, create and update everything that the API allows.In this post I will show you how to create a new ticket, but the method is the . Can airtags be tracked from an iMac desktop, with no iPhone? This entity represents ticket and article tags in Autotask. This entity's purpose is to describe a geographic area where billing items have the same tax rate. Refer to the previous bullet point. > Service Desk >Search >Tickets >click Search > open a ticket >Quick Add bar > select Note (Alt+2), NAVIGATION > Projects >Projects > search for a project >click on the Project Name > Schedule > task context menu > General > View Details > Quick Add bar > select Note (Alt+2). If you close without saving, the attachments will not be uploaded or attached to the parent entity. Resolution: After playing with some items and looking through the module code and Postman, everything needs to be treated as a string: Thanks to u/nutter91 for the assistance with submitting a record ID of 0 for new records and reminding me to simplify things. /*